Play PUBG smarter with Gosu.AI

It is time to start climbing the leaderboards.

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If you are aspiring to be a professional PUBG player, there is no denying the impact a coach can have on your skill. Changing the smallest thing in your loadout, settings, or even just the way you move about the map can have huge implications on your in-game results.

The problem? Coaching can be expensive. If you are signed to an organization that can afford a full-time PUBG coach, fantastic. You’re on your way to the top of the leaderboards. But what if you aren’t? It can be difficult for the average Joe to find the time to practice, let alone get good at the game.

The solution? The company’s software assists players who want to play smarter and improve their skills through a detailed analysis of matches. The platform also offers personal recommendations that allow you to focus on the skills you truly need. No more late-night scrolls through YouTube looking for the best ways to calculate your bullet drop off at 170m from your target.

The platform is currently in beta and provides a highly detailed analysis of your in-game performance. It’s in these numbers you can work out if you’re a long range player, where you aim the most, and what guns you like to use.

A sample of the statistics available to you

The next release will take these stats even further. From your in game stats, Gosu AI will begin breaking that down into a positional analysis and giving personal recommendations based on the heatmap and the places where you were killed. This will help you determine where you do your best work, what pathing to follow and places you should avoid.

Next is Optimal Looting, a feature designed to take you to the strongest looting locations for the items you regularly use. There is a level of RNG when it comes to the Battle Royale genre, but that doesn’t mean you have to go in completely blind. Combine your looting path with the smart drop information Gosu AI will provide and you will start each match a step ahead of your opponent, literally. The circle will become your best friend.

In addition to mastering the right movements in PUBG, Gosu AI will be gathering data on your aiming technique, the success rate with weapons, and ballistic details. This will assist in making informed decisions to help you engage more effectively. No more trying to pick someone off who is running into the circle when you should be on the move yourself. is still in beta testing, but it is available for users now through the company’s website. It’s as simple as registering an account and adding the Gosu AI bot to your steam friends list. Gosu AI will then start tracking your data and making recommendations on the website. Best of all, Gosu AI is currently free, making it a real solution to the lack of coaching available to the average esports enthusiast.

Image of Aiden Hiko
Aiden Hiko
ANZ esports fan. Self-confessed Ice Coffee addict. Not farming Ashes of Al'ar anymore because it dropped last week.