How to beat Raene Wolfrunner in Warcraft Rumble

It’s a cheap fight but not that difficult.

Warcraft rumble leaders
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Warcraft Rumble can be a lot of fun but also difficult. The first few dozen levels are fairly easy, but there are levels where the difficulty cranks up quite significantly. One of these is the Ashenvale Raene Wolfrunner level.

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In this guide, I’ll tell you how to beat her.

What makes the Raene Wolfrunner level so difficult in Warcraft Rumble?

Map of Ashenvale along with all the levels in Warcraft Rumble
Rane Wolfrunner level. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Up until the final Ashenvale level in Warcraft Rumble, the game is pretty straightforward. Just summon a few minions, capture some enemy bases, and rush the enemy.

In comes Raene Wolfrunner level, where, as soon as the level starts, the enemy AI rushes you from two sides and destroys your base. Perhaps this is the tipping point Blizzard expects free players to get out of their wallets and improve their minis (units).

Sure, you can pay a few bucks and make things easier, and you should if you are enjoying the game, but it can be done without paying, excessive grinding, and even if you don’t have a good phone, like me. 

All you really need is to have a decent team with good synergy and just make a few quick swipes during the beginning of the round. 

Preparation for the Raene Wolfrunner level in Warcraft Rumble

A hero unit and six troops ready to fight a boss along with some notes on the side
Team for fighting Raene Wolfrunner. Screenshot by Dot Esports

In the image above, you can see the team I used. If you don’t have all the units, don’t worry because you don’t need anyone specific. Here’s what you need:

  • A decent hero unit – whichever one you picked, make sure they are decently leveled
  • A tanky unit – someone who can take a bit more damage before dying
  • A spell – something that rains from the sky and, preferably, slows down enemy units
  • A strong unit group – Stormwind footmen work well, but anything similar should also do the trick
  • Support units – preferably ranged ones so they hide behind the hero and the tank and do extra damage

If you don’t have a spell card, I’m pretty sure you can also use something like Angry Chickens (a bunch of weak units summoned at once), but after you beat the level once, the level permanently becomes easier, so I couldn’t properly test it out.

Again, I haven’t paid a cent for the game, nor have I spent time grinding, and you don’t have to either to get a team like this.

Strategy for the Raene Wolfrunner level in Warcraft Rumble

Two enemy squads attacking the player base from two sides in Warcraft Rumble
Two ambushes at the start of the level. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As soon as you click start on the level, you’ll notice the enemy crossbow on the left is summoning units while there are also three Night Elf riders on the north getting ready to storm your base. If you don’t halt either one of these attacks, you lose. This is what makes this level so difficult. It’s a cheap difficulty spike, but fortunately, it can be countered. 

At the same time, your base is also placed in an awkward position. There’s a bridge on the left side, and it prevents you from casting a spell to halt the enemies advancing from the left. 

Block the attack on the left

First, you need to counter the units on the left quickly. You have only a few seconds before the Night Elf riders reach your base, so you need to be quick here. Summon your hero, if available, or any strong unit on the left. Right after that, summon a ranged support unit or anything else to help clear the enemies on the left. Your units may not all make it out alive, but the most important thing is that you stop the attack.

Slow down and stop the Night Elf riders

The player units are attacking the enemy units on the left while a spell is being cast on the units on the right
Blocking attack on the left and using a spell. Screenshot by Dot Esports

After you stop the attack, the Night Elf riders (Hunters) should have reached your base. What you need to do is let them start attacking your base. Right before they attack your base, drop a spell on them. I used Blizzard, which does decent damage and slows them down. This should give you just enough time to slow their attacks while you summon your other tanky unit to take them out. Your base is going to take damage, there’s no way around that, but if you do this tactic well, it should still be standing with about half health or less. 

Congratulations, you’re more than halfway there; only a bit more to go.

So we survived the cheap double ambush, but we still have to kill Raene Wolfrunner, right? You’d think it would be smooth sailing from here, but the game still has a cheap trick up its sleeve. Luckily, I died enough times here, so you don’t have to.

Attack the left enemy base but also send a tank to clear the new Night Elf riders

What you need to do next is launch an attack on the left base. So grab your hero and some support units and charge. However, you also need to get your other tanky unit ready to take the northern path.

Why? Because while you are happily charging the base on the left, the enemy is summoning another set of Night Elf riders, which are more than enough to destroy your base.

This is why you need your tanky unit. Just summon him from your base and make sure he takes the northern path, and by the time the Night Elf riders finish summoning, your tanky unit should have already made it to them and started killing them.

Don’t worry if the Night Elf riders kill him, the important thing is that not all three of them attack your base with full health. I managed to kill two and significantly damage the third one with my Stonehoof Tauren.

The player units attack Raene Wolfrunner. The right screen shows that the battle has been won and that a reward can be claimed
Victory over Raene Wolfrunner. Screenshot by Dot Esports

While all that is going on, you should make sure your hero unit and support take out the left base and set up a new spawning point for your units. Once that other base is set up, you should be home-free.

Just keep rushing Raene Wolfrunner, and she should go down without too many issues. After all, she wasn’t the difficult part; the attack in the beginning and the sneak attack later were. 

That’s all there is to it. There are more difficult levels ahead but all of them can be done with a good strategy, and without spending any money on the game. Have fun and enjoy Warcraft Rumble.

Image of Aleksandar Perišić
Aleksandar Perišić
Staff Writer. Aleksandar has been gaming ever since he can remember and has been writing game reviews long before he joined Dot Esports. He loves MMORPGS, Nintendo and Indie games. He also steals gifts on Christmas but then gives them back when everyone starts to sing.