Cloud9 beat FlyQuest to retain sole possession of second place in the LCS

Fear Zeyzal's Galio.

Photo via Riot Games

Cloud9 further solidified themselves as the LCS’ second-best team after coming out of today’s bloodbath as the victors over third-place FlyQuest.

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Last week saw FlyQuest top laner Omran “V1per” Shoura school 100 Thieves and Clutch Gaming on his signature pocket pick, Riven. V1per continued his fantastic play in FlyQuest’s week five opener against C9—but today, he was on Irelia.

V1per played spectacularly in teamfights, dashing his way through Cloud9. Unfortunately for V1per, though, many of these fights came as a result of FlyQuest being in a bad position.

Despite falling behind in kills during the laning phase, Cloud9 quickly evened up the score in the mid game, where their macro prowess over FlyQuest shined brightest. FlyQuest’s Jason “WildTurtle” Tran was caught out by C9 support Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam’s Galio, who without fail landed taunts on WildTurtle’s Yasuo.

While FlyQuest were able to find many kills, Cloud9 always came out of trades or teamfights ahead in either objectives or kills. In the midst of the constant fighting, Cloud9 slowly inched closer to winning, with fights moving closer and closer to FlyQuest’s base.

After defeating FlyQuest, Cloud9 head into the the second half of the 2019 LCS Spring Split with sole possession of second place—just one win behind first-place Team Liquid. Cloud9 will face CLG in their second match of week five on Feb. 24.

Image of Malcolm Abbas
Malcolm Abbas
Really like esports.