Monster Hunter World: How to beat Nergigante

This one won't be easy.

Nergigante Monster Hunter World
Screenshot via Capcom

Nergigante might be Monster Hunter: World’s most iconic monster, but even if it wasn’t, it’s still by far one of its most powerful.

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This Elder Dragon is no pushover and when you first encounter it during the campaign you’ll probably be stuck for a good while. Well, if that’s you right now then there are a few things to know which can make this fight more simple. While nothing is going to make the Nergigante fight easy, here are the best tips to get through this creature with relative ease.

How to beat Nergigante in Monster Hunter: World

A promotional image of a monster fight from Monster Hunter: World.
It won’t be easy. Image via Capcom

Nergigante is probably one of the toughest monsters you’ll face in Monster Hunter: World, but if you’re properly prepared you can make this fight much easier. Firstly, there are four weak points to keep in mind while fighting Nergigante:

  • Horns
  • Head
  • Front legs
  • Tail (Can be cut off)

The biggest weaknesses Nergigante has are Thunder and Dragon-type attacks, so make sure you’re gearing up with the best items for the task. You’ll need a lot of defense for this fight as Nergigante can deal massive damage quickly, so make sure you’re taking high-level armor with you into the fight. Furthermore, you need to have the Vitality Mantle equip otherwise you’re going to find this fight a lot harder.

Finally, before you start this fight, bring plenty of healing items. Max Potions are the perfect choice for this purpose and can be stored in bulk in your chest.

Nergigante has a variety of different attacks that can be launched at all ranges, but the most powerful come once its spikes have charged. This can be seen as they will turn completely black and then he will use a powerful diving attack. When you see it take to the air to use this make sure you get distance as it will deal AOE damage to the location it lands.

You can stop these charged attacks by smashing the spikes on his arms, wings, and tail consistently and now allowing them to harden. If you’re able to use a melee weapon to consistently crush these spikes you can progress through this fight quite fast. I mainly used the hammer because it’s the best weapon choice for this method.

Should you need to take the fight slower, the best bet is to time his close-range attacks so you can deal safe damage while keeping to the back of the monster. When you’re behind, the only attack that it will typically use is a tail smash so just be careful of that and you should be okay to get some hits in.

Unlike other Elder Dragon fights, the terrain in this fight doesn’t provide too many opportunities to get a leg up on Nergigante. The only time things will help you out is in the opening area as there are some structures to hide behind when needing to heal, and inside the cave, as you can break off crystals to spear the creature and deal huge damage.

The last environmental factor to consider is in one of the last fight locations where you’re going to have to avoid lava.


Take a cool drink as once it’s consumed you can walk across the lava without any issues.

This fight is particularly hard, but with these tips, you should have the required knowledge to take down Nergigante, even if it does take a handful of deaths.

Image of Ryan Galloway
Ryan Galloway
Ryan is a Senior Staff Writer for Dot Esports who has been working at GAMURS since 2020. He covers a wide variety of titles from across the gaming space, with a focus on Pokémon. He boasts a degree in Journalism from Murdoch University. Email: