Monster Hunter World beginner’s guide: 12 tips and tricks for starting out

You'll be a pro in no time.

A promotional image of a monster fight from Monster Hunter: World.
Image via Capcom

There’s a big, bad world out there to explore and conquer in Monster Hunter World. It’s filled with giant, fire-breathing monsters with fearsome claws and razor sharp fangs—exactly what you’d expect from a Monster Hunter game.

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But the New World isn’t an easy place for newbies to survive in. If you’re a fresh-faced monster-hunting beginner, we’re here to make your time in Monster Hunter World a whole lot easier.

The 12 best tips for beginners in Monster Hunter World

Remember to eat before every hunt

A screengrab from Monster Hunter World showing an array of foods.
Look at that meal. Why wouldn’t you want to chow down? Image via Capcom

In Monster Hunter World, forget the potion stock-up routine. Here’s the deal—before you embark on a hunt, swing by the canteen and chat up the Chef to choose your meal carefully; it’s a game-changer. Each meal you munch on dishes out a set of special status effects, an HP boost, or even some temporary skills.

As you reach the end of the main quests, these food buffs become your lifeline. When the difficulty spikes, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars for that extra edge. And here’s the thing: Don’t forget to chow down again at camp if your hunter takes a hit or two. Making a habit of feasting in-game is incredibly impactful. That plus-50 to Stamina or Health could be the move that turns the tide. It’s the little things that make the difference between glory and a cart ride back to camp.

Prepare your healing situation

In Monster Hunter World, no matter how nimble your blocks or dodges are, you’re bound to catch a beating every now and then. But the game has a generous side—it offers a plethora of ways to patch yourself up and dive back into the fray.

Sure, stacking Potions and Mega Potions is a no-brainer, but there’s more to it. Make friends with a Palico packing the healing Vigorwasp gadget, and get that furball leveled up pronto. Keep an eye out for wild Vigorwasps and Vitalilies in the environment, as they offer free, hefty healing just when you need it.

And if that’s not enough, amp up your own healing game. Grab the Healing Station specialized tool for a constant heal as long as you’re within its cozy radius. Or go big with the Vitality Mantle—it makes you practically invincible to a chunk of damage, reducing your reliance on other healing tricks.

Still feeling the heat? Toss in some Max Potions and Ancient Potions for good measure. With all these tools in your healing arsenal, you’ll be shrugging off monster attacks like a pro.

Save often

Monster Hunter World throws a curveball for those used to the comforting embrace of autosave. Brace yourself—it’s a manual save world. If you forget to hit save before jumping out of an online multiplayer session or hopping into a different one, say goodbye to all that meticulously crafted gear and those prized weapons. Yeah, it’s more than a tad annoying.

But here’s the silver lining: Your hard-earned materials from your multiplayer escapades are safe and sound. You can always swing by the Workshop and whip up everything anew. That isn’t exactly everyone’s ideal scenario, though, so keep it simple by saving often. Just hit Options, navigate to System, and tap the Save option.

Clean up your inventory

Hunting down monsters in Monster Hunter World? Here’s a not-so-glamorous but crucial tip: Sort out your Item Pouch. With limited space, you don’t want to lug around unnecessary baggage. The good news, though, is that Monster Hunter World is quite forgiving.

Ammo gets its own spot in your bag, separate from the rest. And here’s the sweet part—materials that won’t help you cook up consumables, like Ore and monster parts, won’t hog your precious pouch space.

Ready to declutter? Hit up a supply box in Astera, conveniently located next to the Quest Boards and in your room. Dump all those raw materials you don’t need, like Mushrooms, into your box. Also, check out the button commands (on the bottom-left of your screen) for the most efficient one-button cleanup. Small things like this make a big difference to your monster-hunting journey.

Armor skills trump armor stats

Don’t stress too hard about armor just for its resistances or raw defense. What really matters is the innate skill each piece brings to the table. Aim for skills that boost your damage, like Attack Boost, or throw in some survivability with Health Boost

As you advance, feel free to tweak your armor with Decorations for more flexibility, but in the early game, focus on snagging those valuable armor skills.

Utilize every tool at your disposal

A screen showing the various weapon types in Monster Hunter World.
Variety is the spice of life. Image via Capcom

In Monster Hunter World, you aren’t stuck with just one or two starting weapons like other RPGs. Instead, you’ve got the entire arsenal at your disposal—all 14 weapon types. So, don’t hold back, and give each one a spin.

Before you settle into your usual gear setup, go on a small expedition or hunt with each weapon type. Maybe you’ve always been a loyal Sword-wielder, but who knows, the Dual Blades or colossal Gunlance might just steal your heart. 

Experimenting with all the gear helps you figure out your style and which items work best for you. It’s like a test run before you start investing your hard-earned materials and cash into a particular weapon. So, gear up and find the one that suits your hunting style best.

Sharpen your weapon often

In the midst of a monster showdown, you might notice your damage taking a dip. Check that yellow bar next to the sword at the top-left of the screen. If it’s low, your weapon’s as blunt as a rolling pin. 

To fix it, step back from the monster, open the radial menu, and grab the yellow sword with a plus—that’s a Whetstone. Give your weapon a good sharpen, and it’ll be back to dishing out max damage. For ranged weapon users, there’s no need to sharpen, but reloading is still on the agenda.

Be aware of hidden invincibility frames

In Monster Hunter World, getting knocked down has a quirky twist compared to other games. Usually, being on the ground triggers panic mode as you scramble back into the fray. But getting knocked down can actually be a lifesaver.

Why? Because those knockdown animations and even lying flat on the ground give you invincibility frames (also called i-frames). Yes, that means the monster can’t harm you during these precious few seconds. 

And let’s not forget, lying down might just make those sweeping monster attacks miss you entirely. So, don’t rush to pick yourself up too hastily; depending on the monster’s moves, staying down during their tantrum combo might just tip the scales in your favor.

Use the environment to your advantage

In Monster Hunter World, interacting with the living environment is key, more so than in previous games. Aside from obvious elements like Vigorwasps and tracking materials, there are hidden gems to find, too. Natural traps, from rock falls to vine snares, can deal massive damage and leave monsters disoriented. Always be aware of your arena—open spaces are ideal, but watch for natural ledges, pits to escape through, and high grass for stealthy moments. 

Keep an eye out for Poisoncups and Paratoads—they’re environmental elements that can afflict monsters with status effects without the need for crafting. Mastering these nuances turns the world into your strategic ally.

Wait until animations end

Monster Hunter World, especially for beginners, can be unforgiving compared to other ARPGs. A major factor is the near-absence of animation canceling. You have to wait for an animation to finish before another action registers, whether it’s healing, attacking, or dodging.

Button mashing won’t do you any favors, and inputting an action mid-animation can result in delays, leaving you vulnerable. Patience is key; monitor your character’s and the monster’s movements closely. Once you commit to an action, even by mistake, there’s no turning back. It’s a lesson in precision and commitment in the unforgiving world of Monster Hunter.

Maintain the high ground

The player character mounting a monster in Monster Hunter World.
This makes it easier to mount a monster. Image via Capcom

Get to high ground in Monster Hunter World. It’s not just for show: Dodging attacks becomes a breeze, and you can pull off some killer aerial moves by leaping off edges or sliding down slopes, which can even give you the chance to mount monsters.

When you’re on a monster, it’s like a red-light-green-light game. Hold tight when it’s throwing a tantrum, and go all-out when it chills. Adjust your position if the beast tries to kamikaze itself into a wall. Nail the mini-game, and the monster will be on the floor, ready for some serious, no-holds-barred damage. It’s like a dance in the wild, and you’ve got the best moves.

Don’t be afraid to call for backup

When monsters are relentless and your health is on the ropes, it’s time to think about your last resort—there’s no shame in asking for a hand. 

In Monster Hunter World, you can fire an SOS flare, signaling fellow players to swoop in and lend a hand. Open your menu, go to Quest, and hit Fire SOS Flare. Soon enough, you’ll have some generous souls fighting alongside you. Hunting with a group might speed things up, but there’s a trade-off in the learning department. Level up your skills and take another shot.

Image of Yash Nair
Yash Nair
Yash is a freelance writer based in the tropical state of Goa, India. With a focus on competitive Pokémon, he also writes general guides on your favorite video games. Yash has written for sites like Dot Esports and TouchTapPlay, and has a distinct love for indie video game titles.