The new Altruist trait heals Teamfight Tactics all your champions with the lowest health while granting armor and magic resistance to allies in Set 11, Inkborn Fables.
Splash traits matter in TFT Set 11, elevating standard comps to greatness. The Altruist trait rose to the top of the Inkborn Fables meta at launch when paired with traits like Mythic, Storyweaver, and Arcanist. Having breakpoints at 2/3/4, the Altruist trait is great for splashing as it heals the lowest health ally on your team and grants all allies armor and magic resistance. It also has three powerful TFT Set 11 champions on its roster.
Who are the TFT Set 11 Altruist trait champions?
The TFT Set 11 champions with the Altruist trait are Riven, Soraka, and Rakan. Of the three, Riven is the least likely to act as a carrier. But if you do, she’s a melee champion who likes attack damage items. Soraka is a top-tier AP carrier within Set 11 and Rakan is the five-cost Legendary.
How to play the Altruist trait in TFT Set 11
Altruist units are good to splash in certain TFT Set 11 comps as they grant armor and magic resistance while healing the lowest health ally for 15 percent. There are three breakpoints (2/3/4), with armor and magic resistance increasing at each.
Breakpoint | Armor and Magic Resistance |
Two | 10 armor and magic resistance |
Three | 25 armor and magic resistance |
Four | 10 armor and magic resistance |
Most times you will run two Altruist champions until you build your endgame comp, adding Rakan into the mix as a third. The Bard reroll comp can run two or three, with Soraka being a secondary carrier along with Tahm Kench. All three TFT Set 11 champions should get rerolled into three-stars for the comp to perform at its best.
You can also run all three Altruist Inkborn Fable champions with the Dragonlord trait. This is another Set 11 reroll comp with three-star champs Soraka, Diana, and Alune.
What are the Altruist Augments to play in TFT Set 11?
There is no trait-specific Augment for Altruist in TFT Set 11 but there is a Crown and Crest you can pick up. In the Bard, Tahm Kench, Zyra, and Soraka reroll comp, top Augments to pick up are Heroic Grab Bag, Lucky Ricochet, and You Have My Bow.