The Invoker trait is all about gaining mana in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 with champions like Janna, Annie, Lillia, and Azir.
Ability power champions got a boost in TFT Set 11 through the Inkborn Fables Invoker trait. Mostly used as a splash trait, Invoker can also be played vertically with Lillia as the primary carrier in the comp. The vertical Invoker comp isn’t easy to play, requiring you to fast Nine—no matter the version you run—since the build requires five-cost champions to succeed during the late-game stages.
Who are the TFT Set 11 Invoker trait champions?
The Invoker trait in TFT Set 11 includes the champions Kog’Maw, Janna, Alune, Annie, Lillia, and Azir. Lillia is the most sought-after four-cost, having both the Mythic and Invoker traits. The magic caster is also the primary carrier in the vertical build. Alune is a great to activate the Umbral trait. Annie is a powerful tank and Azir is the top-end five-cost Legendary.
All Invoker units within Inkborn Fables gain mana every three seconds during combat. And additional mana is granted at each breakpoint of 2/4/6.
Breakpoint | Mana granted |
Two | Five mana to all |
Four | Additional 20 mana to Invoker units |
Six | 35 mana to all and an additional 15 mana to Invoker units |
How to play Invoker trait in TFT Set 11
Running a vertical Invoker trait comp in TFT Set 11 requires all magic casters who can take advantage of the mana granted from the trait. Lillia is the main carrier with items like Blue Bluff, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Rabadon’s Deathcap. Annie is the frontline tank with defensive items like Warmog’s Armor and Dragon’s Claw. Azir is the secondary carrier who also wants items like Lillia.
Most players will run Alune and Sylas to activate the Umbral trait for shields with items going on Alune. But if you have the extra AP items available, I recommend putting them on Sylas if you’re looking for additional damage. The Mythic TFT Set 11 build prefers to run five Mythic and four Invoker units, using the five-cost champions Hwei and Sett during the late-game Stages over Azir.
What are the Invoker trait Augments in TFT Set 11?
The trait-specific TFT Set 11 Augment for the Invoker trait is called Mana Shield. It grants the lowest-health ally with a shield and provides you with a Janna. You can also beef up your vertical Invoker build by grabbing an Invoker Crest or Crown. Other top Augments to pick include Magic Wand, Jeweled Lotus, and New Recruit.