Salhet’s Pride is one of the latest cards revealed for Hearthstone’s new expansion, Saviors of Uldum

Nothing is more intimidating than a lion leaping at your face.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Apparently, the Paladin class is a master of light and lions.

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If you want proof, just check out the latest Hearthstone card that will join the class in the upcoming Saviors of Uldum expansion, Salhet’s Pride.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

This three-cost 3/1 beast comes with a Deathrattle that adds even more support for a new version of Aggro Paladin. Salhet’s Pride has a Deathrattle that allows you to draw two one-Health minions from your deck. Salhet’s Pride can put another copy of itself into your hand and help snag cards like the new Brazen Zealot minion.

Brazen Zealot is a one-cost 2/1 minion that gains one Attack whenever you summon a minion. Salhet’s Pride can help you snag your Brazen Zealot if you didn’t get her through your mulligan or opening hand. Salhet’s Pride can also potentially grab Sandwasp Queen to help generate additional low-cost minions that can further buff your Zealot.

We didn’t know very much about Paladin before today’s card reveals, but now we have a decent idea of where the class could be headed. Odd Paladin was one of the most dominant cost-friendly aggro decks in Hearthstone history, and since it vanished, the class has struggled to recapture its cheap aggressive glory. Saviors of Uldum looks like it’ll be revamping Aggro Paladin in a big way, so non-Pally players better watch out.

Check out all of the goodies coming with Saviors of Uldum when it drops on Aug. 6.
