Fortnite to get full “vs. Bot” game mode and more settings for keyboard and mouse in season 11

New things are coming for season 11.

Image via Epic Games

Fortnite: Battle Royale players have been experimenting with the changes Epic Games implemented in the game’s v10.40 and v10.40.1 updates. This includes skill-based matchmaking, which pairs players with others who have roughly the same game knowledge as them, and new sensitivity settings for those using controllers.

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And in a new blog post today, Epic revealed further details about more changes coming in season 11 related to these two topics.

Fortnite players using mouse and keyboard are likely getting new settings that will let them adjust their build and edit sensitivity, making them independent from aiming sensitivity. That option is already in place for controller players, but those using the keyboard and mouse are still limited to the general sensitivity for these two actions.

Epic said it’s still “exploring” this alternative and has yet to mention when it’ll add this to Fortnite.

Such a change will make gameplay feel more similar regardless of the interface players are using, which is especially important now that skill-based matchmaking is on and cross-platform matches are a thing. Epic confirmed these two are live and are staying in the game, and input disparities shouldn’t be a big issue.

“With the rollout, we’ve seen a lot of discussion about potentially unfair competitive advantages from pooling players together across platforms and input devices,” Epic said. “The new matchmaking system, however, accounts for various skill levels across different platforms and control inputs, and groups players of similar skill levels together.”

With skill-based matchmaking on, Epic clarified that experienced players who create fresh accounts to stomp noobs, also known as smurfing, will get banned. Pro player Aydan Conrad is proof that this system is already in place and he received a ban on his alternate account when he was streaming a pubstomp.

Another implication of skill-based matchmaking is that starting in season 11, Epic may add bots to some matches to allow low-skill players to learn the game. The company has now confirmed that a mode where players can compete only against bots is in development, but human players won’t be able to party up with them or use them in Creative.

And it doesn’t sound like bots will be scary. They can’t crank 90s or use vehicles, so new players will have a smooth time learning Fortnite.

Most of these changes are expected when season 11 drops. Epic has confirmed that season X will end on Oct. 13.

Further details are available on Epic’s blog.

Image of Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo Viana
Gaming writer and strategist working in the gaming industry for over 8 years. A fan of Pokémon since I was 6 and an avid Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch player. Now completely hooked by Palworld.