For the second time in less than a week, Field of the Dead failed to claim victory. William Jensen defeated Autumn Burchett in the Magic Pro League Ruby Division finals today.
Playing a Golos Fires deck, Burchett beat Jensen and his Bant Food deck in the opening round of the Ruby Division playoffs. But it’s hard to put Oko, Thief of Crowns down. Jensen won the lower bracket to face off against Burchett once again in the finals.
The win earned Jensen a day-one bye to Mythic Championship VII after he had just finished in the top eight at MCV. But the victory opens a door of controversy regarding whether Oko should have been banned with Field of the Dead.
According to a breakdown of the metagame at Mythic Championship V by MTG Goldfish, Bant Food was the best performing deck—not Bant Golos. With an overall win ratio of 56 percent, Bant Food is the strongest deck in Standard at the moment.
Jensen showed the world today that his Magic skills haven’t diminished over the years. Oko is an overpowered card—as is the Bant Food deck—but it wasn’t the planeswalker who won the Ruby Division ELD split. Winning takes a combination of crafting strong decks, luck, and skill.
Prior to the division win, Jensen was ranked 14th in the MPL. A bye at MCVII and his win today should be enough to secure him a seat in the MPL next year. And it’s a well deserved victory for the Magic Hall of Famer.