Conor McGregor Teases Call of Duty Intel

The notorious MMA fighter will be making an appearance in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare.

In the middle of Call ofDuty XP 2016, renowned mixed martial arts fighterConor McGregor teased the community with a photosuggesting his presence in the upcoming Call of Duty: InfiniteWarfare video game. The photo shows McGregor in a body suitused for filming and recording body movements. He is depicted withone fist raised in the air ready to pound a potential enemy lyingon the ground – just typical Conor McGregor stuff.

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The Irish fighter broke into theprofessional MMA scene in 2014 and had a phenomenal year in 2015.So far in 2016, McGregor has had two high-profile fights againstNate Diaz, winning one and losing the other. Due to his aggressivefighting style and tendency to trash-talk, McGregor has becomequite the celebrity.

McGregor will not be the firstcelebrity to make it into a Call of Duty game. Previous gamesincluded actors such as Kevin Spacey and ChristopherMeloni. Snoop Dogg has also contributed as a voiceactor.  

Today, McGregor teased the Callof Duty community with a new tweet that included an image of hisin-game character. He also mentioned possible intel about the gamebeing released tomorrow.

What do you think ConorMcGregor’s role in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare will be andwhat news will be released tomorrow about the game? Let us know inthe comments or on Twitter @GAMURScom.

Josh Billy is a long timeCall of Duty fan and can be contacted at or onTwitter @Orbit_CH3MISTRY.
