Call of Duty World League Stage 2 Begins April 19th

After a short break, the Call of Duty World League will be back with Stage 2 beginning Tuesday, April 19th.

After a short break, the Call of Duty World League will be back with Stage 2 beginning Tuesday, April 19th. Find the final results from the first stage here:

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Australia/New Zealand Stage 1 Results

Europe Stage 1 Results

North America Stage 1 Results

Across all regions, four teams will make their debut in the Call of Duty World League in Stage 2. The full list of teams participating is found below:

North America

Optic Gaming, Rise Nation, Team eLevate, Faze Clan, Team EnVyUs, compLexity, Luminosity, Team SoloMid, H2k, Dream Team, Cloud 9 (new), King Papey (new)


Millenium, Splyce, Epsilon, Infused, TCM Gaming, exceL, Vitality, LDLC, Giants, Exertus (new)

Australia/New Zealand

Mindfreak, Plantronics.Tainted Minds, Team Orbit, Team Immunity, Chiefs, Plantronics.Nv, Apotheon eSports, Incept eSports (new)


A few rule changes are expected to be implemented in Stage 2.  According to a tweet by David Vonderhaar, a special subreddit has been created for pro players to speak to CWL staff about possible rule changes.

Many players have asked for ‘base bans’ throughout Stage 1 after the majority of items in the game were still available for use in competitive play, even though they were always taken out of the ruleset in previous games. Concerns voiced at the beginning of the game got things like UAV banned from competitive play, but equipment such as Trip Mines, C4, Shock Charges, and other ‘non-competitive’ items were still open for use. The fact that Vonderhaar and others involved in the CWL are open to discussion with pro players is a positive sign that changes will be made.

Another issue players had this year was the format of BO7 series. Under the current format, there are 4 game modes (Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, Uplink, and Capture the Flag), but Search and Destroy is played 3 times (games 2, 5, and 7). Vonderhaar suggested that one of the SnDs would be replaced by Uplink instead.

Another change to Stage 2? More events, according to Sharp in his new video. Players and fans alike complained about the lack of events in Stage 1 of the CWL, but Stage 2 has the opportunity to turn that around.

Tune in at on April 19th for the start of Stage 2!
