Doesplay Pro Series Feature – Need an Org

The first weekend of the North American Call of Duty Pro Series presented by Doesplay and eSports Guru has come to an end.

The first weekend of the North American Call of Duty Pro Series presented by Doesplay and eSports Guru has come to an end. Teams participating in this unique series of tournaments are in the running for a piece of the $500 prize pool that will be distributed in the finals at the end of the season. The Pro Series is available on both Xbox One and Playstation 4. You can find out more about the Pro Series format here.

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In a new feature series, we will be showcasing some of the teams and players participating. At the end of Saturday’s tournament on Xbox One, the team under the name “Need an Org” defeated “Visual Gaming” in the final match with a 3-1 map count. After the conclusion, we spoke to the members of the winning team.

The team “Need an Org” does not have a real name, hence the one they used when entering the Pro Series. They are currently on the lookout for an organization to take them under their wing. The team of 4 has only been playing together for about 3 weeks now, but Validus and Vivid have been together for 2 years as a duo. They heard about the Pro Series through the Australian organization they were playing under (in North America of course). The team also participates in many other competitions, such as those hosted by MLG and UMG.

Devin “Validus” Cope (@ValidusTheDon)

Favorite pro team – Optic Gaming. “They have the most rounded team and always put on a good show,” he says.

Favorite pro player – Scumpi. “He proves every event that he is the best player in the game.”

What do you think about competitive Call of Duty moving to PS4? – “I think it’s a very smart and good move. I plan on playing competitively until my senior year. I own a PS4 already.”

What are your ultimate goals in competitive Call of Duty? – “To win any event or place top 8 in a major LAN event.”

What other games do you play? – “I play GTA and Halo most of the time.”

Reece “Vivid” Drost (@VividSlayz)

Favorite pro team – “Optic Gaming. I have watched them since Black Ops 1.”

Favorite pro player – “Huke because he is an amazing sub player.”

What do you think about competitive Call of Duty moving to PS4? – “I think it’s a great idea to help Call of Duty grow.”

What are your ultimate goals in competitive Call of Duty? – “Win a major UMG or MLG event.”

What other games do you play? – “I play CSGO sometimes.”

Joshua “Lyze” Mai (@OhLyze)

Favorite pro team – “Optic Gaming because they are good role models for amateur teams.”

Favorite pro player – “Karma. He is so versatile.”

What do you think about competitive Call of Duty moving to PS4? – “I think it’s a great decision.”

What are your ultimate goals in competitive Call of Duty? – “To win a major event.”

What other games do you play? – “Smite, Halo, NBA 2K15.”

Henry “L3THAL” Davis (@ISlayJayy)

Favorite pro team – “I don’t have a favorite team.”

Favorite pro player – “My favorite pro player is Optic Scumpi. I base my play style from his.”

What do you think about competitive Call of Duty moving to PS4? – “I don’t agree with it moving to PS4, but I will be moving to play on it.”

What are your ultimate goals in competitive Call of Duty? – “1.Get under a good org. 2) Place well at a major LAN. 3) Become pro.”

What other games do you play? – “Sports games and Battlefield 4.”

There are two Pro Series events each week, hosted by Doesplay on Friday and Saturday nights. Visit to sign up. The winnings teams will be featured in amateur team highlights such as this one every week!
