A Community Full of Disrespect For Girls

An event has recently occurred in the gaming community that I would like to address, but first let's take a look back to this summer, when a hacker released hundreds of nude photos of famous celebrities.

An event has recently occurred in the gaming community that I would like to address, but first let’s take a look back to this summer, when a hacker released hundreds of nude photos of famous celebrities. The photos were released anonymously on 4Chan and many women were exposed. The whole event was nicknamed “The Fappening” , mostly because the exposed women are considered fairly attractive, but the cute nickname doesn’t make up for the crime that was committed.

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There is no honor in shaming people. Sure, people want to see the pictures. It’s many a boys dream to see a naked Jennifer Aniston or Selena Gomez, but those pictures were not meant for the public. They were private pictures that should never been released.

Something similar has recently happened in the gaming community. A Twitter user, who I will not name here, has been making it her duty to expose other girls from the community. That’s right, a girl, in a community where girls are a minority but growing in number every day, has exposed other girls to cause them embarrassment and shame.

Clearly, the shaming was done to gain attention, because that is the only positive thing that has come out of it. The Twitter use I speak of has probably had thousands of new followers and many hits on the particular tweets we are speaking of. Let me be clear, attention is the only positive thing to come out of this, and that is not really a positive.

I have no idea how the user came into possession of the photos in question. It seems that many were taken in private and possibly shared with a single person. Were they released through a hack? Who knows. They should never have been released. It is extremely disrespectful to share someones private photos in order to shame them for taking such photos.

The photos were not all necessarily matched to the user they came from, but it has many people guessing. In the competitive gaming community, girls are often called eGirls. I am not really sure if the term eGirl has negative connotations or not, but girls in the community take a lot of flak. They also get a lot of attention simply by being girls, so maybe the positives outweigh the negatives. All I know is, people in the community have to grow up. Of course, that is a tough thing to ask of a community dominated by teenage males…

I would like to finish this post with a simple thought: there is good in this world and there is evil

. There is nothing good about doing something in order to hurt others, that just reeks of bad intentions and bad intentions are evil.
