King Nadeshot Cancels Sunday’s 5K

Being Optic Nadeshot must be nice. He is clearly the most popular person in the competitive Call of Duty community, with a gigantic YouTube and Twitter following and an eSports franchise based around him.

Being Optic Nadeshot must be nice. He is clearly the most popular person in the competitive Call of Duty community, with a gigantic YouTube and Twitter following and an eSports franchise based around him. He even gets a say about when MLG hosts an online tournament!

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Nadeshot tweeted out a plea for a cancellation of Sunday’s 5K series tournament due to the fact the Super Bowl will be taking place that day:

He then received a response from Mr. Adam Apicella, Executive Vice President of MLG, saying that the 5K was officially cancelled so that everyone could enjoy watching the Super Bowl:

It would appear as if Nadeshot single-handedly canceled the tournament. While it’s true that MLG may have made that decision ahead of time, Nadeshot clearly has some power in the competitive Call of Duty community.
