Nerfs, buffs, and new stuff in League Patch 8.11

The patch notes are here, and this time, ADCs are the targets.

Images via Riot Games | Remix by Aaron Mickunas

The next huge mid-season patch, Patch 8.11, arrives this week in League of Legends.

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The last patch, 8.10, delivered huge, sweeping changes to the jungle, effectively changing how every jungler plays the game as well as how laners play around them. The meta is drastically different than it was two weeks ago, some over-zealous players were upset, and the Rift Scuttler is the most important asset in the game now.

In this week’s patch, Riot is taking aim at ranged ADCs, or marksmen. Get ready, because if you’re a bot lane main and this patch goes anything like 8.10, your world is about to be flipped on its head.

Oh, and Pyke is coming out.

Here’s our comprehensive list of changes pulled straight from the official patch notes.


Image via Riot Games



  • Base AD lowered by three.
  • Collateral Damage (R): Cooldown increased by 10 seconds at rank one and five at rank two.


  • Void Assault (R): No longer passively grants stealth when entering brush after evolution. Instead: slightly lower cooldown, slightly shorter stealth duration, significantly longer stealth duration when evolved, and three casts instead of two after evolution.


  • Gleaming Quill (Q): Base heal lowered at all ranks.
  • Battle Dance (E): Base shield lowered by 10 at all ranks.


  • Base movement speed and health increased.
  • Rock Surfing (P): Maximum movement speed increased and combat lock-out significantly decreased.
  • Threaded Volley (Q): No longer deals AoE damage, provides bonus movement speed on Worked Ground, or refunds mana. Instead: Lowers mana cost to one if on Worked Ground and has a lower cooldown.
  • Seismic Shove (W): Cooldown lowered to 12 seconds at all ranks.
  • Unraveled Earth (E): Initial and explosion damage lowered at early levels.
  • Weaver’s Wall (R): Wall duration lowered to five seconds at all ranks.

Xin Zhao

  • AD growth lowered slightly.
  • Audacious Charge (E): Slow lowered by 20 percent.


Brawler’s Gloves

  • Cost increased by 200 gold.
  • Crit chance converted to a unique passive.


  • Cost increased by 100 gold.
  • Crit chance lowered by five percent.

Rapid Firecannon, Phantom Dancer, Statikk Shiv, and Runaan’s Hurricane

  • Cost increased by 300 gold.
  • Build path slightly altered.

Guardian Angel

  • Cost increased by 400 gold.
  • Armor increased by 10.

Shurelya’s Reverie

  • Cost increased by 150 gold.
  • Movement speed lowered by three percent.
  • Cooldown raised by 30 seconds.
  • Base mana regen added to the item.

Banner of Command

  • Minions are no longer immune to magic damage, instead they now have flat 70 percent damage reduction from champions.
  • Cooldown reduction removed.


Fleet Footwork

  • Speed boost lowered by 10 percent.
  • No longer gives additional healing on crit strikes.
  • Ranged attacks on minions now heal for less.
  • Heal AP ratio raised by 10 percent.

Minion Dematerializer

  • Initial delay raised from 155 to 240 seconds.


Image via Riot Games



  • Flash Frost (Q): Cooldown lowered at early levels and AP scaling raised by five percent.


  • Mark respawn timer lowered.
  • First mark spawns faster.


  • Can now queue up her W and R in either order.

Lee Sin

  • Flurry (P): Energy restoration increased at later levels.
  • Q, W, and E: CDR now applies to duration of reactivation window.


  • Collision radius significantly lowered.
  • Base attack speed slightly raised.
  • Echoing Flames (P): Deals more damage to monsters early.
  • Purge (W): Can now be cast during other abilities.
  • Fear Beyond Death (R): No longer roots Urgot when executing champions.


  • Siphon Power (Q): Discharge damage raised at higher ranks.
  • Chaos Storm (R): AP scaling per tick raised by 10 percent.


  • Grasping Roots (E): Root duration slightly raised.


Blade of the Ruined King and Bloodthirster

  • Cost lowered 200 gold.

Maw of Malmortius

  • MR raised by five.
  • Shield value raised by 50, but no longer scales with bonus MR.

Runic Echoes

  • Build path changes to replace Lost Chapter with Fiendish Codex.
  • Provides 20 more AP, but costs the same.

New stuff



Passive: Gift of the Drowned Ones

“When Pyke is unseen by enemies, he rapidly regenerates some of the health recently lost to enemy champions.”

Q: Bone Skewer

Tap: Pyke stabs and greatly slows all enemies in front of him.

Hold: Pyke readies and then throws his harpoon, impaling the first enemy struck and pulling them a fixed distance towards him.”

W: Ghostwater Dive

“Pyke dives into spectral waters, entering camouflage and gaining a significant increase to his movement speed that decays over a few seconds.

Camouflage hides Pyke from view while enemies remain outside his immediate area. Attacking or casting spells immediately ends camouflage.”

E: Phantom Undertow

“Pyke dashes, leaving behind a drowned phantom. After a delay, the phantom returns to Pyke, damaging and stunning enemies it passes through.”

R: Death from Below

“Pyke strikes in an X-shaped area, blinking to champions and executing those below a certain flat amount of health. Enemies in the X that are not executed take damage equal to this amount.

When a champion dies in the X, the last ally to assist also gains full kill gold and kill credit, and Pyke can instantly use Death from Below again for a short period of time.”


Sand Wraith Pyke – 1350 RP


  • Ashe, Caitlyn, Draven, Ezreal, Jhin, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Kalista, Kog’Maw, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Sivir, Tristana, Twitch, Varus, Vayne, Xayah base stats changed (higher health, AD growth, health growth but lower base AD, armor, and health regen).



  • Stormrazor: New B.F.Sword item that provides AD and attack speed. Unique passive that grants one guaranteed crit strike and a movement speed boost when entering combat.


  • Infinity Edge: Raised cost and AD. No longer provides crit chance or boost crit damage. Now converts 15 percent of all crit strike damage into True Damage. Now doubles your total crit chance.
  • Essence Reaver: Cost lowered. No longer provides crit chance or mana return on crit strikes. Now restores one percent missing mana with each basic attack. Now triggers Essence Flare when using ultimate ability, reducing cooldowns with basic attacks and raising your attack speed for eight seconds.
  • Last Whisper items: Bonus armor pen converted to total armor pen (numbers tweaked for balancing this change). Lord Dom’s no longer provides Giant Slayer passive. Cost increased for both Lord Dom’s and Mortal Reminder, as well as AD lowered by 10.


  • Giant Slayer and Cloak of Agility.



  • Nimbus Cloak (Sorcery): Shortly after casting ultimate ability, gain 100 movement speed decaying over 2.5 seconds. During this time, you can pass through units. Has a 60 second cooldown that isn’t effected by CDR.
  • Hail of Blades (Domination Keystone): Gain 50 to 100 percent attack speed depending on level for your first three basic attacks on an enemy champion. If more than 1.5 seconds elapses between attacks, the effect ends. Cooldown of five seconds out of combat.
  • Ultimate Hunter (Domination): Your ultimate ability gains five percent unique cooldown reduction, plus an additional two percent per Bounty Hunter stack.


  • Ultimate Hat.


  • Hunter’s Machete was changed in 8.10, leaving a couple champions feeling weaker. Nocturne and Master Yi will have lowered AD and raised attack speed at level one to compensate. Diana’s Moonsilver Blade passive has been buffed to compensate as well.
  • Experience increased for Krugs, Gromp, Razorbeaks, and Wolves
  • Baron Nashor attack speed and corruption damage decreased significantly. Special attacks also no longer apply corruption.
  • Scuttle crab respawn time lowered 15 seconds. Shrine duration extended to 90 seconds.


  • Inner turrets now provides significantly more gold to nearby teammates, but slightly less to other teammates on the map.
  • Inhib and Nexus turrets’ health lowered by 300 and 900 respectively.
  • Inhib and Nexus turrets’ health regen raised significantly.
  • Inhib and Nexus turrets’ health now divided into three segments. Each turret can only regenerate up to the top of the segment of the health bar they’re on.


Temporary and test changes

  • Butcher’s Bridge map returning until June 18 (Bilgewater-themed ARAM map).
  • New assassin items: Ghostwalkers, Spectral Cutlass, and Bloodletter’s Veil.
  • Large area-of-effect heals on health pack pickup that affect both teams equally.
  • Removal of Warmog’s Armor and Dark Harvest nerf.

Permanent changes

  • During champ select, you may swap for a champ that’s been rerolled by any teammate.
  • Expanded free champs pool (triple the champions).
  • Start-of-game base gates (similar to Summoner’s Rift).
  • Earlier surrender options (8 min unanimous, 12 min standard).
  • Champ Mastery adjustments (to make it a bit easier to get an S).
  • You will reach level four much faster.


Dark Waters Diana and Vladimir (with chromas)


  • Certain ping sounds now change depending on how far they are from the listening player and in what direction, including “Area is Warded,” “Danger,” “Assist Me,” and “Caution.”
Image of Aaron Mickunas
Aaron Mickunas
Esports and gaming journalist for Dot Esports, featured at, Polygon, IGN, and