Best tri-region Singleton Gauntlet decks in Legends of Runeterra

A new rule is altering Singleton Gauntlet in an exciting way. Here are the strongest decks to try.

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During Patch 1.7, Legends of Runeterra’s Gauntlet Mode got an update to its Singleton format to help delineate it from Standard Constructed. Riot introduced tri-region construction for Gauntlet mode this week.

Whenever players make a Singleton deck, they can now pick cards from three different regions as opposed to two. This allows strategies to vary a lot more since previous card combinations wouldn’t be possible with only two regions. 

During the last Gauntlet, slower controlling strategies were powerful due to LoR’s naturally reactive card play. There were a plethora of removal spells with only a handful of viable proactive cards that could threaten to leave a dent in slower strategies.

Related: The best decks to take through Legends of Runeterra’s Singleton Gauntlet (original duo-region)

While nothing is technically stopping players from using their proven duo-region decks, a third region in deck building will add more power to a format where consistency is already scarce. 

Here are some of the best decks to take into the updated tri-region Singleton Gauntlet.

Tri-Region Singleton Aggro:

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During two-region Singleton, Aggro had a tough time being a consistent seven-win deck like control. But now, with more Plunder-based cards from Bilgewater, Aggro gets more tools to stack on the aggression to keep up an early board and threaten the opponent with early lethal. With seven one-drops in this deck, you should always mulligan as aggressively as you can to secure an early board and never relent pressure.

Tri-Region Singleton Midrange:

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With a third region, Demacia and Shadow Isle-based Midrange decks can now splash in key proactive cards from Ionia, like Zed and the nerfed Shadow Assassin. There are also some powerful reactive tools that can be used from Ionia, like Deny and Twin Discipline. The basis of the deck is similar to the aggressive Singleton deck but with a much higher mana curve. Secure the board as early as possible and stagger your threats in a consistent manner.

If your minions have to die, get as many advantageous trades as possible with them and then accrue value from cards like Vanguard Redeemer, Dawnspeakers, and Kalista for their deaths. When you can make your board wide enough, Genevieve or Windfarer Hatchling can swoop in and buff your board to deal massive damage.

Tri-Region Singleton Control:

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During the initial introduction of Singleton, Shadow Isle/Freljord Decks and Piltover & Zaun/Shadow Isle control decks were feared due to the amount of removal and high-value threats they could bring. Now that all three regions can be combined, though, aggressive strategies will have to always think twice whenever they play because their cards are at risk of getting removed. Once you’ve grinded out your opponent’s threats in the early game, you can freely plop down one high-value bomb after another. With Freljord in your deck, you can try to mulligan for your mana-ramping cards so you can find your ability to play late-game threats even faster. 

One important lesson to learn from the first round of Singleton is that Purrsuit-style cards are still too slow to be viable, even in a format like this where everything is less consistent. Oftentimes, they’re going to be a dead card in your hand waiting for the chance to be played. And by the time they’re playable, the game is usually already decided in favor of one player or another without their influence. While Subpurrsible is slightly more viable since it can be activated much more easily and is at least a five mana 1/5 with Elusive and the ability to draw a card, it’s still advisable to avoid these two cards at all costs unless you’re goofing around.

As with any Gauntlet, you have multiple chances to claim seven wins. Within each Gauntlet trial you attempt, if you avoid losing two times in a row or losing once after six wins, you can get the ultimate prize of seven wins. If you fail a trial, however, you have an unlimited amount of attempts to play in the Gauntlet since the mode is free.

Players have until Tuesday, Aug 11 to claim seven wins before the tri-region Singleton Gauntlet goes away until the next Gauntlet opens on Aug. 14.

Image of Dylan Ladd
Dylan Ladd
My name's Dylan! I play card games, write about them, and I'm making one too! I'm also into a ton of other competitive games (MOBAs and Fighting Games especially). Sometimes you can catch me streaming on Twitch!