Here are the patch notes for League of Legends Patch 11.2

Viego, Runeterra's very own supervillain, is making his League debut in Patch 11.2.

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Viego, the Ruined King is finally showing his face in League of Legends Patch 11.2.

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But aside from the new jungle champion, Riot is making a few changes to healing in the game’s latest patch.

Soraka, who had been wreaking havoc in solo queue, is getting taken down a notch, while champions like Aatrox and Olaf, who’s healing had gotten out of control, are receiving nerfs.

A slew of item changes is also in the cards for Patch 11.2 with Riot “opening the gateway” to more item diversity, depending on the state of the game. Tank Mythics—outside of Sunfire—are the main targets.

Here are the full notes for League Patch 11.2.


[New] Viego

Passive – Sovereign’s Domination

  • Viego can temporarily possess enemy champions he helps kill, healing for a portion of their max health. During possession, Viego’s items, attacks, and non-ultimate abilities become those of his slain enemy’s, and he gains a free cast of his own ultimate, Heartbreaker. While possessing an enemy, Viego also gets bonus movement speed when moving toward enemy champions

Q – Blade of the Ruined King

  • Passive: Viego’s attacks deal a percent of the target’s current health as bonus damage on-hit. When Viego attacks an enemy he recently hit with an ability, the attack strikes twice. The second strike siphons health from the target instead of dealing regular damage, but still applies on-hit effects and can critically strike. This passive is maintained during possession
  • Active: Viego stabs forward with his blade, damaging all enemies hit

W – Spectral Maw

  • Viego charges up and then dashes forward, hurling a blast of mist that stuns and damages the first enemy hit. Stun duration and mist range increase with charge time, damage and dash range don’t

E – Harrowed Path

  • Viego spreads a wave of Black Mist around a nearby wall. While in the mist, Viego becomes Camouflaged and gains Attack Speed and Movement Speed

R – Heartbreaker

  • Viego discards any bodies he is currently possessing and teleports forward, attacking the enemy champion in range with the lowest percent health and dealing bonus damage based on their missing health. Other enemies in range are knocked away


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Q – Five Point Strike

  • Cost: 120/110/100/90/80 energy to 120/115/110/105/100 energy


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Q – Shifting Sands

  • Cooldown: 15/13/11/9/7 seconds to 14/12/10/8/6 seconds


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Attack damage growth: 2.88 to 3.3


Darius splash art, default, in League of Legends
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Passive – Hemorrhage

  • Noxian Mighty bonus attack damage: 30 to 230 to 20 to 205

Dr. Mundo

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Q – Infected Cleaver

  • Health refund on hit: 40 percent to 50 percent
  • Health refund on kill: 80 percent to 100 percent

E – Masochism

  • Bonus damage: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 percent of his maximum health to 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 percent of his maximum health

R – Sadism

  • Health regen: 50/75/100 percent maximum health to 60/85/110 percent maximum health


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Q – Venomous Bite

  • Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 to 70/105/140/175/210


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Q – Triggerseed

  • Shield ratio: 90 percent AP to 80 percent AP


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Health growth: 92 to 97

Q – Sigil of Malice

  • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 mana to 50/55/60/65/70 mana


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E – Sapling Toss

  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana to 60/70/80/90/100 mana
  • Damage ratio: 1 percent per 100 AP to 0.8 percent per 100 AP


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Q – Duskbringer

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds to 8 seconds

R – Paranoia

  • Cooldown: 150/125/100 seconds to 140/115/90 seconds


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Movement speed: 345 to 340

Health: 570 to 540


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E – Umbral Dash

  • [New]: Umbral Dash’s self-healing now increases to 26/32/28/44/50 percent during R – World Ender

R – World Ender

  • Self-healing: 50/75/100 percent to 30/45/60 percent


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W – Vicious Strikes

  • Life steal: 14/16/18/20/22 percent to 16/18/20/22/24 percent
  • Healing amplification: 0 to 50 percent (based on missing health) to 0 to 33 percent (based on missing health)


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Attack speed ratio: 0.2 to 0.3

Passive – Absolution

  • Non-kill Mist Wraith drop chance: 22 percent to 28 percent
  • Gold from Mist Wraith: 3 to 8

Q – Piercing Darkness

  • Healing ratio: 25 percent AP to 40 percent AP
  • Damage ratio: 40 percent AD to 50 percent AD
  • Senna’s Q on enemy champions now adds a stack on Kraken Slayer (max one stack)


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Passive – Backstab

  • Damage: 10 to 25 (level 1 to 18) to 20 to 35 (level 1 to 18)


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Q – Starcall

  • Total rejuvenation heal: 50/60/70/80/90 to 50/65/80/95/110

W – Astral Infusion

  • Heal: 80/115/150/185/220 to 90/125/160/195/230
  • Heal ratio: 60 percent AP to 70 percent AP


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Q – Chomp

  • Bonus damage ratio: 10/20/30/40/50 percent AD to 15/25/35/45/55 percent AD

W – Frozen Domain

  • Bonus attack speed: 20/40/60/80/100 percent to 30/50/70/90/110 percent


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Mana growth: 33 to 40

R – Chain of Corruption

  • Cooldown: 120/90/60 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds


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W – Spell Thief

  • Minion spell shard drops now include: Randuin’s Omen, Locket of the Iron Solari, Turbo Chemtank, Shurelya’s Battlesong, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Goredrinker, Stridebreaker, and Prowler’s Claw
  • Minion spell shard drops no longer include: Redemption
  • Item shard bug fixes: Casting Zoe’s W – Spell Thief with a shard of an item in her inventory no longer causes that actual item to go on cooldown. Additionally, using an item with a damaging passive right after using its shard no longer causes the second instance to deal 0 damage


Essence Reaver

  • Spellblade mana restore: 3 percent of maximum mana to 40 percent of mana from damage dealt from Spellblade (before damage reduction)


  • Cloudburst cooldown: 60 seconds to 90 seconds (applies to Ornn’s Typhoon as well)

Hextech Rocketbelt

  • Supersonic bonus movement speed: 50 percent for 2 seconds to 30 percent for 1.5 seconds

Imperial Mandate

  • Coordinated fire cooldown: Applies when an ally consumes the mark to initial application of slow/immobilize

Kraken Slayer

  • Kraken Slayer will now leverage those modifiers of the following champion abilities:
  • Aphelios: Severum Q – Onslaught
  • Katarina: R – Death Lotus
  • Urgot: R – Purge

Shurelya’s Battlesong

  • Health 350 to 200
  • Bonus movement speed: Shurelya’s no longer grants 5 percent movement speed
  • [New] Ability power: Shurelya’s now grants 40 AP
  • Base mana regen: 50 percent to 100 percent
  • Build path: Kindlegem + Faerie Charm + Winged Moonplate + 650 gold to Kindlegem + Bandleglass Mirror + 750g

Gargoyle Stoneplate

  • Fortify bonus armor and MR: 3 percent (max 15 percent) to 5 percent (max 25 percent)

Umbral Glaive

  • Total cost: 2800 gold to 2600 gold
  • Attack damage: 55 to 50
  • Build path: Serrated Dirk + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 600 gold to Serrated Dirk + Long Sword + Long Sword + 800 gold

Serpent’s Fang

  • Total cost: 2800 gold to 2600 gold
  • Attack damage: 60 to 55

Chempunk Chainsword

  • Total cost: 2700 to 2600 gold
  • Health: 200 to 150

Phantom Dancer

  • Build path: Zeal + Dagger + Dagger + 850 gold to Zeal + Dagger + Dagger + 950 gold
  • Attack speed: 40 percent to 45 percent

Runaan’s Hurricane

  • Build bath: Zeal + Dagger + Dagger + 850 gold to Zeal + Dagger + Dagger + 950 gold
  • Attack speed: 40 percent to 45 percent

Sunfire Aegis

  • Mythic passive: 5 ability haste per Legendary item to 5 percent tenacity and slow resist per Legendary item

Frostfire Gauntlet

  • Total cost: 3200 gold to 2800 gold
  • Build path: Bami’s Cinder + Null-Magic Mantle + Chain Vest + 850 gold to Bami’s Cinder + Cloth Armor + Null-Magic Mantle + 950 gold
  • Ability haste: 15 to 20
  • Armor: 50 to 25

Rimeforged Grasp (Ornn upgrade)

  • Armor: 65 to 40
  • Magic resist: 35 to 40
  • Ability haste: 20 to 25

Turbo Chemtank

  • Total cost: 3200 gold to 2800 gold
  • Build path: Bami’s Cinder + Cloth Armor + Negatron Cloak + 900 old to Bami’s Cinder + Cloth Armor + Null-Magic Mantle + 950 gold
  • Magic resist: 50 to 25
  • Ability haste: 15 to 20
  • Mythic passive: 5 percent tenacity and slow resist per Legendary item to 5 ability haste per Legendary item

Turbocharged Hexperiment (Ornn upgrade)

  • Magic resist: 65 to 40
  • Armor: 35 to 40
  • Ability haste: 20 to 25

In-game shop updates and bug fixes

  • Items purchased from a pre-saved Item Set will appear in the appropriate slots in which they were saved in the Collection tab
  • Blade of the Ruined King now correctly shows up in the Item Shop when the player filters for move speed items
  • Actions that automatically close the Item Shop will no longer cause players to be unable to cast abilities or Summoner Spells
  • Chempunk Chainsword’s cost has been corrected to the appropriate amount in the Item Shop
  • Fixed a crash when alt-tabbing (or changing resolutions) and then clicking the search field of the Item Shop

ARAM balance changes

11.2 buffs

  • Akali:+10 percent damage dealt and -15 percent damage taken to +15 percent damage dealt and -15 percent damage taken
  • Annie: -5 percent damage dealt to Normal
  • Azir: +10 percent damage dealt to +10 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken
  • Ezreal: -5 percent damage dealt and +5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage dealt and +3percent damage taken
  • Master Yi: Normal to -3 percent damage taken
  • Nunu & Willump: -5 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken
  • Rumble: -5 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken
  • Sylas: Normal to -5percent damage taken
  • Tahm Kench: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken
  • Yorick: +3 percent damage dealt to Normal

11.2 nerfs

  • Ashe: -5 percent damage dealt and +5 percent damage taken to -10 percent damage dealt and +5 percent damage taken
  • Corki: -3 percent damage taken to Normal
  • Elise: +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken
  • Gragas: -5 percent damage taken to -3 percent damage taken
  • Kled: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage taken
  • Nasus: Normal to +5 percent damage taken
  • Rell: Normal to -5 percent damage dealt
  • Riven: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to +3 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken
  • Yone: +3 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to +3 percent damage dealt and -3 percent damage taken

Bug fixes and quality of life changes

  • League client: Eternals Progression no longer covers Honor Votes in the post-game lobby
  • League client: Cleaned up code to reduce the number of uncaught Javascript errors for an important plugin that launches prior to getting into Champ Select
  • Fixed an issue that required you to have to press Shift+Enter twice in order to say “gg wp” after the Nexus explodes
  • Soraka is no longer able to maintain increased move speed when a low-health Yuumi is attached to her
  • Fixed a bug where the Rift Herald would occasionally do 0 damage to a turret
  • Garen’s E – Judgment spin speed now properly accounts for the bonus Legendary item attack speed that Trinity Force’s Mythic passive grants
  • Lissandra’s R – Frozen Tomb no longer applies the Horizon Focus debuff to all enemies in its area of effect; now only debuffs the immobilized enemy
  • Udyr is no longer able to trigger Eclipse’s Ever Rising Moon with a single attack from Q – Tiger Stance or R – Phoenix Stance
  • After hitting an enemy with Pantheon’s spear from Grand Starfall, the slow debuff icon will now properly appear in the affected enemy’s buff bar
  • Runaan’s Hurricane no longer gives less attack speed than its item components combined
  • Descriptions of Umbral Glaive, Serpent’s Fang, and Chempunk Chainsword have been updated in the Collection tab
  • Fixed a bug where Zyra’s Horizon Focus’ debuff would reset if she has Scorch equipped
  • Fixed a bug where jungle items would be removed from the Recommended items tab if the player purchased a Refillable Potion
  • Fixed a bug where Smiting five times would not consume the jungle item, allowing the player to sell it for gold
  • Draven’s Q – Spinning Axe no longer generates more than the intended Tear of the Goddess mana charges

Upcoming skins and chromas


  • Ruined Shyvana
  • Ruined Karma
  • Ruined Draven
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Cho’Gath
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Nautilus
  • Lunar Beast Viego


  • Ruined Shyvana
  • Ruined Karma
  • Ruined Draven
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Cho’Gath
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Nautilus
  • Lunar Beast Viego

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Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Senior editor at Dot Esports. Jerome has been in and around the gaming industry for the last eight years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.