Our 2015 esports New Year’s resolutions

Traditional new year’s resolutions usually include some basic stuff about drinking more water and eating less meat and getting on the treadmill more

Traditional new year’s resolutions usually include some basic stuff about drinking more water and eating less meat and getting on the treadmill more. Those are noble causes, sure, but we’re guessing if you’re the type who pages through the Daily Dot’s esports section, you’ve got some more comprehensive ideas to reform in 2015. Don’t worry, we totally understand, we’re turning over a new leaf too. Here are our 20 esports resolutions to follow over the next 12 months. 

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Do you have any additional commandments? Please let us know on Twitter or in the comments below.

– In 2015 I resolve to stop playing Zoo, and finally purge my addiction to free wins and self-loathing.

– In 2015 I resolve to stop stepping on Teemo’s mushrooms, for once in my goddamn life.

– In 2015 I resolve to never ever ever jump into a Shoryuken again.

– In 2015 I resolve to finally start that Twitch channel. You know, the exact same resolution I had last year.

– In 2015 I resolve to never 360 No Scope 420 Blaze It ever again.

– In 2015 I resolve to go out on Fridays instead of watching Kripparrian’s stream. 

– In 2015 I resolve to play support, as much as it might hurt.

– In 2015 I resolve to finally check out this “StarCraft” game I’ve heard so much about.

– In 2015 I promise to not immediately throw my computer out the window when Yasuo knocks up my entire team.

– In 2015 I resolve to exclusively play Dan in any and all matches.

– In 2015 I resolve to never, ever, ever Life Tap at 10 cards ever again.

– In 2015 I resolve to stop rage-quitting after I get First Blooded.

– In 2015 I resolve to always go for max BM, even if it causes me to throw the game.

– In 2015 I resolve to renounce my earthly faiths completely, and only worship at the alters of Valve, Blizzard, and Riot.

– In 2015 I resolve to beat Ocarina of Time in less than a second.

– In 2015 I resolve to only get salty when I deserve to get salty.

– In 2015 I resolve to get out of my comfort zone, and play something other than Zed at least once every 3,000 games.

– In 2015 I resolve to finally understand the wide-ranging potential of the Angry Chicken.

– In 2015 I resolve to never buy Riot Points after midnight.

– And finally, in 2015 I resolve to keep loving and growing this wonderful thing we call esports.

Photo by liquidphotos/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
