Catch up on what you missed from a week in esports

With the dust settling from the biggest weekend in North American League of Legends, it's no surprise that it wasn't players who ended up stealing a lot of the headlines this week—it was coaches

With the dust settling from the biggest weekend in North American League of Legends, it’s no surprise that it wasn’t players who ended up stealing a lot of the headlines this week—it was coaches. First, there was the wholly unsurprising news that Christopher “MonteCristo” Mykles and Counter Logic Gaming were parting ways. That was followed by the somewhat shocking (and far more controversial) relevation that Riot Games was banning a coach from attending the World Championships.

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But, hey, this isn’t the week in League news. There was a huge Dota 2 tournament in China, with a pair of surprise finalists (home field advantage doesn’t seem to apply too well in pro Dota 2). There was a much-needed update to Counter-Strike. And Blizzard rewrote the rules on its World Championship Series in StarCraft, which will have a huge effect on the competitive scene. Missed any of this? Then sit back, kick your feet up, and watch the week that was in esports.
