The best Warlock decks in Hearthstone


Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Gul’dan and his Warlocks have been a mighty force of destruction since they debuted in Azeroth over a decade ago.

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In Hearthstone, the Warlock class carries over many attributes from its World of Warcraft inspiration. The use of Demons, Imps, Curses and Fel magic are all characteristics that make the Warlock class what it is.

In World of Warcraft, Warlocks are known for making otherwordly creatures submit to their will and destroying their opponents. In Hearthstone, the class fantasy is much the same. To do so, you’ll be using a deck full of hellish ghouls and spooky spells.

Additionally, you’ll have Warlock’s Hero Power, Life Tap. Arguably one of the best Hero Powers in the game, Life Tap allows you to pay two mana to exchange two health for a card draw. This allows many Warlock strategies to amp up their army of demons extremely quickly, making certain decks a disaster to play against without removal.

As the March of the Lich King expansion is now upon us, Warlock sits perched near the top of the Hearthstone meta mountaintop, having the fifth-highest class win rate in the game. Right now, Warlock as a class has a 49.8 percent win rate on, the best deck tracking site available. Warlock currently has three primary archetypes tearing up the meta: Curse Imp Warlock, Phylactery Warlock, and regular Imp Warlock.

Below, you’ll find lists for all three of the aforementioned decks, but remember to craft with caution. March of the Lich King is still young and balance changes could shake the meta up in a big way.

The best Standard Hearthstone Warlock decks

Curse Imp Warlock

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Curse Imp Warlock is the most expensive deck on this list, coming in at a whopping 10,600 dust. Much of that cost comes from necessary Legendary minions like Imp King Rafaam and Za’qul. With this deck, you’ll be working on amassing powerful Imp-based boards while simultaneously draining your opponent with Abyssal Curses. These are cards that your opponent has to hold that make them take damage until they spend mana to remove the card from their hand. If that sounds like something you’re into, give Curse Imp Warlock a try.

Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAf0GBvLtA7CRBOa9BJjUBJvkBIfqBAzX7QOD+wPFgASEoATmoAT+tATcvQTivQT/2QSA2gSB2gSr6gQA

Imp Warlock

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Imp Warlock is a great choice if you’re into more of a traditional, Zoo/Imp playstyle. You’ll be summoning boards full of Imps and empowering them with cards like Vile Library. For the late game, you’ll have cards like Imp King Rafaam, Dreadlich Tamsin, and Sire Denathrius to help bring in those big finishing plays. If Curse Imp Warlock seems like it has a bit too much going on for your playstyle, the traditional Imp Warlock build might be for you.

Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAf0GBLCRBMeyBOnQBJvkBA3X7QP07QP/+gPFgASEoATmoAT50wT60wT/2QSA2gSB2gTL4gSr6gQA

Phylactery Warlock

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Phylactery Warlock is probably the most unique deck on this list, but also arguably the weakest. That said, this list still boasts a solid 53 percent win rate on HSReplay. This deck revolves around the card it is named for, Tamsin’s Phylactery. This card allows you to Discover a friendly Deathrattle minion that died during the game, then all of your minions get its Deathrattle. You’ll likely want to use this on a board full of Imps to assign them the Deathrattle from Naval Mine. This Deathrattle deals four damage to the enemy Hero. If you’re looking for a wombo combo, this deck might be an option to explore.

This new version of the deck also includes the March of the Lich King Legendary Devourer of Souls. A one-cost 1/3 Undead Warlock minion, Devourer of Souls gains the Deathrattle of a friendly minion that dies while it is on the board. This card provides some solid support to Phylactery Warlock, and gives the archetype potential to grow in the future.

Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAf0GBvLtA7CRBPGRBLGfBMCSBcKSBQzX7QO98QPG+QOD+wPFgATVoATmoATnoASIsASb1AT/2QSlkgUA

Image of Luci Kelemen
Luci Kelemen
Having made a career out of writing about video games as early as 2015, I have amassed a track record of excellence since then in covering a wide variety of subjects from card games like Hearthstone and MTG to first-person shooters, business, chess and, more. Unsurprisingly, if I'm not busy writing about one of them, I'm probably playing them.