The world of Runeterra has grown substantially over the past few years since its creation with League of Legends. Thanks to other games like Teamfight Tactics and Legends of Runterra, Riot Games’ fictional universe has only gotten bigger.
Being in the same universe doesn’t mean all the same characters are present, though. This is the case with the card game Legends of Runeterra. While it may coexist with League, not all of League’s 150-plus champions are present in the game.
If you’re new to Legends of Runeterra, you may be wondering which champions are available to play and just how many are in the game. Fortunately, you’ve got plenty of options, and some of your favorite League champions may be available.
How many League champions are in Legends of Runeterra?
Right now there are 80 different champions in Legends of Runeterra, but this number will likely increase over the coming months as more characters join the roster.
Here’s a look at all the League champions currently available in Legends of Runeterra at the time of writing.
- Ahri
- Akshan
- Anivia
- Aphelios
- Ashe
- Aurelion Sol
- Azir
- Braum
- Caitlyn
- Darius
- Diana
- Draven
- Ekko
- Elise
- Ezreal
- Fiora
- Fizz
- Gangplank
- Garen
- Hecarim
- Heimerdinger
- Irelia
- Jarvan IV
- Jayce
- Jinx
- Kalista
- Karma
- Katarina
- Kennen
- Kindred
- Leblanc
- Lee Sin
- Leona
- Lissandra
- Lucian
- Lulu
- Lux
- Malphite
- Maokai
- Miss Fortune
- Nami
- Nasus
- Nautilus
- Nocturne
- Pantheon
- Poppy
- Pyke
- Quinn
- Rek’Sai
- Renekton
- Riven
- Rumble
- Sejuani
- Senna
- Shen
- Shyvana
- Sion
- Sivir
- Soraka
- Swain
- Tahm Kench
- Taliyah
- Taric
- Teemo
- Thresh
- Tristana
- Trundle
- Tryndamere
- Twisted Fate
- Veigar
- Vi
- Viego
- Viktor
- Vladimir
- Xerath
- Yasuo
- Zed
- Ziggs
- Zilean
- Zoe