Fortnite’s summer contest, Blockbuster, officially came to an end nearly two months ago. The competition was made to inspire content creators to make superhero-themed movies using the game’s in-game replay system.
After much deliberation, the winner was determined to be Janthony’s epic “Prepare for Collision,” a three-minute summer blockbuster that was featured in-game at Risky Reels.
Janthony was not the only winner. Eight others were honored for their films and rewarded V-Bucks prizes for their efforts, and Epic Games revealed them today.
In total, 82,500 V-Bucks were awarded to the winners, and those bucks will undoubtedly be used in the coming months to pick up all sorts of awesome new skins and even Battle Passes.
All of the winners and the links to their movies can be found on Epic’s website. Congratulations to all who participated.