Best Green Draft low-rarity MTG cards in The Brothers’ War

Power out the biggest threats.

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For players that want to cast the biggest, baddest Creatures and overwhelm the battlefield with imposing threats, Green is the go-to color in The Brothers’ War Limited.

Traditionally, Green is a color that prioritizes creatures to win the game. They have efficient threats and some of the best top-end creature finishers in the format. With keywords like reach and trample, Green can force the opponent into tricky combat situations. Another subtheme of Green is the ability to play from the graveyard. The color consistently is able to use self-mill abilities to gain benefits for having a populated graveyard.

These traditional gameplans are present in the Green archetypes in BRO Limited. The four main two-color archetypes that Green supports are:

  • Red/Green (RG): Stompy 
  • Green/White (GW): Artifacts and counters
  • Black/Green (BG): Graveyard matters
  • Green/Blue (GU): Powerstone ramp

Powerstones and big creatures will be the key to winning games as a Green player. It’ll also be a solid support color for filling the graveyard and reanimating expensive Prototype cards. The core of Limited decks is lower rarity Common and Uncommon cards. These will make up the majority of the deck and make-or-break any strategy.

Here are the best lower rarity Green cards in BRO Draft and Sealed.

Best Green Draft low-rarity MTG cards in The Brothers’ War

Argothian Opportunist

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The Green and Blue deck is focused on powering out big-mana threats with the help of Powerstone tokens. Argothian Opportunist is a solid option at Common to help enable the gameplan. It’s a 3/2 that creates a Powerstone when it enters the battlefield. It’ll be a strong blocker that will trade in combat and help you cast those expensive Artifact bombs within the set.


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Bushwhack is a one-mana card that is strong at any point in the game. The card is able to get a basic land into your hand, helping fix your colors and enabling the potential for splashing. When that ability is irrelevant, Bushwhack can be a removal spell. A cheap, one-mana fight spell is usually playable in most Green decks. It won’t ever be a completely dead card in your hand and that’s what’s important in modern Limited.


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Auras in BRO are better than most sets. The main problem with Auras is that they give the opponent a natural two-for-one when the creature it’s attached to is removed. This hurts a lot when it happens, but Auras in this format usually provide value on the way out. Audacity will draw a card when it is destroyed. That’s enough to mitigate the two-for-one disadvantage. Giving a creature +2/+0 and trample is a huge benefit that will force the opponent into tough decisions on whether to trade in combat or not. 

Epic Confrontation

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At Common, the Green removal slot doesn’t get much better than Epic Confrontation. It gives a creature +1/+2 and has it fight another target creature. The toughness boost will help your creature survive the fight, leaving you up in the exchange. The card is a Sorcery, but for how powerful it is that’s a fine downside. If the format ends up being slower, Epic Confrontation gets better because Sorcery speed won’t be a major tempo hit.

Boulderbranch Golem

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Green supports a ramp strategy, but if there’s no expensive threat to play then why accumulate all that mana? Boulderbranch Golem is a solid Common finisher that’ll help the Green deck go over the top of the opponent. This seven-mana 6/5 enters the battlefield and gains you life equal to its power. Gaining six life will stabilize the game and turn the tables on an aggressive opponent. For four mana, Boulderbranch Golem can enter the battlefield as a 3/3. This mode will be solid if you need an early battlefield presence to alleviate any pressure that’s being applied. Gaining three life is still a nice upside, too.

Burrowing Razormaw

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Burrowing Razormaw has an aggressive 4/2 body that encourages you to trade in combat. When it dies, you mill four cards. This is a great Common way to fill up the graveyard while having a battlefield presence. Be comfortable with attacking or blocking aggressively and force the opponent to lose their game pieces. In a Green deck that wants to play out of the graveyard, you’ll come out on top every time when Burrowing Razormaw dies in combat.

Obstinate Baloth

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This card is a beat stick. It’s a hefty four-mana 4/4 that gains four life when it enters the battlefield. The second ability is largely irrelevant for Draft and Sealed, but that doesn’t matter. What makes Obstinate Baloth one of the best Uncommon cards in Green is that it will be a dominant force on the battlefield. The low-to-the-ground White and Red decks will struggle to attack through it and the slower Black strategies will be forced to play on the back foot. The life gain makes this card relevant later in the game because at that point gaining four life could clinch the game.

Gaea’s Gift

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Removal is important in BRO Limited. Most decks will be packing several pieces of removal to deal with key threats. Green lists are packed with efficient, big-body cards that demand answers. A great way to earn the tempo advantage is by running protection spells to blank opposing removal. Gaea’s Gift is a strong two-mana protection spell that also doubles as a combat trick. It gives a creature Hexproof and Indestructible to deal with removal or tough combat situations. It’s ability to put a +1/+1 counter on the creature and give it Trample makes it a good spell to punch in additional damage when attacking.

Mask of the Jadecrafter

Mask of the Jadecrafter

BRO is an Artifact-focused set and one of the key mechanics for Artifact cards is Unearth. This allows Artifacts to be reused either as attackers or value pieces. Mask of the Jadecrafter is a wonderful late-game spell that can create Artifact creature tokens. The X cost on that ability lets this card scale with the game and gets even better with Powerstone tokens feeding into it. This will have a primary home in the G/B archetype but can fit into any Green deck looking for another way to put a large creature on the battlefield.

Image of Xavier Johnson
Xavier Johnson
My name is Xavier Johnson and I'm a freelance writer who covers Magic: The Gathering. I love control decks and my favorite card is Teferi, Hero of Dominaria.