The newest installment in the God of War franchise is bringing the end of the world to your screens. Ragnarök has arrived and brought a ton of new features.
The amount of customization brings its predecessor to its knees, with a wide variety of weapons, armor, and collectibles littered throughout the God of War landscape.
Each collectible provides another layer to each realm. Play as Kratos and delve into Norse literature as you discover poems scattered in hidden spots around the world. Some collectibles can be left behind, but it’s definitely worth experiencing everything that the Santa Monica Studio devs have thrown in.
Ydalir Timber is an important collectible for building up Atreus. It’ll improve his damage, making it a lot easier to take on any boss you come across.
Where To Get Ydalir Timber In God of War: Ragnarök?
Ydalir Timber is used to upgrade Atreus’ bows and is found near Ironwood and Vimur River in the Jotunheim Realm.
You’ll be able to find it during the main quest as well. In the Lost Sanctuary and Unleashing Hel, users will be able to spot Ydalir Timber in random chests hidden around the main trail.
With Ydalir Timber, you’ll be able to upgrade:
- Aesir Bow
- Jotnar Bow
- Talon Bow
You’re most likely to find Ydalir Timber while you’re taking down enemies as Atreus. Search through each and every chest during his story beats, and you’re more than likely going to find some Ydalir Timber.
If you’re looking for the full God of War experience, make sure you’re collecting as much as possible during God of War: Ragnarök. Each collectible either adds to the story or improves weapons, armor, and abilities.
Collecting things like “Hacksilver” will make your life a lot easier. All you need to do is break every box and crate you can, and search through every chest available.