10 funniest Tyler1 rage moments

Don’t worry, you don’t have to feel bad for laughing.

Screengrab via loltyler1 on Twitch

Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp has been one of the most popular streamers on Twitch for years. His fandom grew in large part due to the toxic persona he displayed while playing League of Legends. Yelling, cursing, and breaking mice and keyboards were staples of his streams in the early days.

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While this would eventually come back to bite him when he was banned from playing the game in April 2016, it’s undeniable that it was an effective strategy for growing an audience. Once his ban was lifted in 2018, his first stream back peaked at over 382,000 viewers, a record for an individual streamer on Twitch at the time.

While it’s not our job to decide if he is “reformed,” it appears Tyler1 has toned down his toxic behavior a great deal compared to his peak in 2016. That doesn’t mean that he can’t still get into a good gamer rage from time to time. Here are the top 10 funniest Tyler1 rage moments, and don’t worry, you don’t have to feel bad for laughing.


This is a classic example of Tyler1 hamming it up for the stream. Did Moira do anything wrong? Not really. Was it still kind of hilarious? Absolutely.

9) Thanks Riot

Encountering bugs often seems to happen at the worst possible time, like the middle of a team fight. It’s easy to see how frustration can bubble over when you’re punished through no fault of your own.

8) Press D to Dance?

This has and will happen to every League player eventually. You go to type something in the chat and miss the enter key. The result? A blown summoner spell and a blown mental, or in this case, two blown summoner spells.


Getting home from a long day at work and settling down to mess around with a casual game is a great feeling. It’s nice to take a break from the high stakes and fast-paced gameplay of more competitive titles. Unfortunately for Tyler1, Fall Guys is not one of those games.

6) Winning a game after a 15-game losing streak 

If you’ve played competitive video games for any length of time, you can probably relate to this clip. Sometimes you go on an unlucky loss streak, and then tilt sets in. Most people would take a break after a few games like that, but Tyler1 is not like most people. An iconic trait of his is the ability to spam games even when they aren’t going in his favor.

There’s no victory quite as sweet as the one that comes after 15 losses.

5) Blue Buff + Teemo Poison = Extreme Pain

Quick tip for the junglers out there: always make sure you wait out the poison. This might contribute to Teemo being one of the most hated champions in the game. You should also beware of Cassiopeia, Twitch, and Singed.

4) I’m fucking addicted so, I can’t quit

This clip blurs the line between funny and sad, but it’s one of the most iconic Tyler1 rants. Many people have played a game that causes them to question their own sanity. Sometimes it’s good to stop and ask yourself, “Am I even having fun?”.

3) Bugged remake leads to a broken keyboard

Similar to No. 9, bugs in a game’s code have the potential to send someone through the roof. At least the ‘F’ key still worked so he could spam the surrender vote.

2) Thresh???

This one can actually be justified as he was griefed by his support. An unfortunate reality of streaming, your teammates know they can siphon some clout if they can get a rise out of the streamer. Even Tyler1 might have cracked a smile at this one though.


This was the thrilling conclusion to Tyler1’s feud with David “Phreak” Turley of Riot Games. It began when Phreak said the following on his personal stream in reference to Steinkamp: “He’s a nobody… his only marketable skill is being an asshole.” This occurred shortly after his ID ban, which prevented him from streaming the game as his accounts would be banned as soon as Riot learned of them.

That didn’t stop Tyler1 from turning on his stream once he was already in-game, knowing that the account would be banned before he could queue up on it again. As fate would have it, his opponent in the bot lane was none other than Phreak himself. Que the anime fight music.

Image of Logan Gilchrist
Logan Gilchrist
Logan may have graduated with a political science degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, but his greatest accomplishment is reaching Diamond II during season 10.