How to play Sett in TFT Set 8

Sett packs a serious punch in Set Eight.

Image via Riot Games

The eighth set of Team Fight Tactics, Monsters Attack!, is nearly upon us, so it’s a great chance to get a head start on the competition. It’s prime time to study up on one of the most interesting units added in this update.

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Sett is a new four-cost frontline unit in Monsters Attack! He’s deceptively tanky with his champion ability, and he packs one heck of a punch. Here are some of the best tactics for playing Sett in Set Eight.

Champion ability

Sett’s champion ability is Mecha SLAM! He begins charging up, becoming immune to crowd control, and gaining a (325/425/1500) health shield for 2.5 seconds. After the shield breaks or at the end of its duration, he unleashes a blast in a cone at the most enemies in range, dealing physical damage to all enemies inside. The damage increases from (140/150/300 percent) to (240/250/400 percent) depending on how long he charged. The ability starts at 75/150 mana.

Hero augments

Sett has two available hero augments, one focused on carry potential and one on supporting allies.

  • Punch Protocol: Gain a Sett. Sett gains 40 armor and magic resistance. Mecha SLAM! knocks back all enemies near Sett, eliminating them if knocked off the battlefield.
  • Regenerative Shields: Gain a Sett and a Locket of Solari. After the shields of Sett’s team break, he recharges them at 40 percent strength for three seconds.


Sett has two traits: Mecha: PRIME and Defender.

  • Mecha: PRIME (3/5): Gain the Mecha selector item and give it to a Mecha unit to choose the PRIME. When combat starts, the PRIME combines with the two nearest Mecha, absorbing 100 percent of their health.
  • Three: The PRIME gains 50 ability power and 70 percent attack damage.
  • Five: All Mechas gain 35 ability power and 50 percent attack damage, doubled for the PRIME.
  • Defender (2/4/6): (Innate) Shortly after the start of combat, Defenders taunt nearby enemies. All allies gain bonus armor, and Defenders gain more.
  • Two: +30 armor, +60 for Defenders
  • Four: +80 armor, +120 for Defenders
  • Six: +200 armor, doubled for Defenders

Items and comps

Sett is one of the premier carry units in the early testing of Monsters Attack! And there is a good variety of items that can be used viably with him.

Titan’s Resolve: This is one of the best items for frontline melee carries in general. It simultaneously increases your damage and defense, and the extra attack speed helps you get Mecha SLAM! off faster.

  • Archangel’s Staff: If things are going according to plan, Sett should usually be your longest-lasting unit. Giving him stacking damage on his champion ability tends to pay off.
  • Bloodthirster: A high-tier option with a mix of survivability and damage if you get an early Negatron Cloak. Sett has high base HP, so the 25 percent max health shield is extra valuable.
  • Infinity Edge: The vast majority of Sett’s damage comes from his ability, not his auto attacks. Getting the ability to crit with Mecha SLAM! makes Infinity Edge almost necessary for a Sett carry comp.

Speaking of comps, you generally always want to be running Sett with at least two other Mecha units to buff his damage and health. It’s even better if you can find and run all five, and if you are gunning for five Mechas, you’ll definitely want to at least consider having Sett as the carry. Pivot to a Jax carry and supportive Sett if you end up with a plethora of Recurve Bows.

Your chances of winning with a carry Sett increases as the round goes on and he gets more opportunities to push units off the board with the Punch Protocol upgrade. Therefore, it’s often wise to pair him with other traits that will increase his survivability, such as additional Defenders and Aegis champions.

Image of Logan Gilchrist
Logan Gilchrist
Logan may have graduated with a political science degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, but his greatest accomplishment is reaching Diamond II during season 10.