Outsiders spoiler card found hidden in Flesh and Blood Christmas story

More Assassin support is on the horizon.

Image via Legend Story Studios

Legend Story Studios recently gave Flesh and Blood fans a first look at the game’s next set, Outsiders, hidden in an unlikely place.

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Players noticed a sneaky hyperlink found on a period within the Sqeakers’ Christmas story posted to the official Flesh and Blood website on Dec. 26 that contained an Outsiders preview card. It’s located early in the story right after the word “pavement.” The link goes to an image for a new Assassin card, Razor’s Edge.

Razor’s Edge

Image via Legend Story Studios
  • Cost: Zero
  • Pitch value: One
  • Class: Assassin
  • Type: Attack reaction
  • Defense value: Three
  • Ability: Target attack action card with Stealth gains +3 attack.

The Assassin class was introduced in Uprising. The supplemental set provided just enough Assassin support to craft a deck, but many of the key cards are a higher rarity and the archetype currently doesn’t have the same mechanical depth as other classes in the game. Arakni, Huntsman was the first Assassin and synergizes with the Contract mechanic, which provides little tasks for you to do, like banish an opponent’s non-attack action card. When a Contract is fulfilled, you receive a Silver token.

It’s unclear whether Contract will be in Outsiders, but Razor’s Edge does confirm that Assassin will return and gain a new mechanic, Stealth. There are no details about Stealth, but the wording of the card does suggest that Stealth might be some kind of modifier for attacks. Since Razor’s Edge is an attack reaction, Stealth attacks could be centered on lower-powered attacks that specifically play well with attack reactions. It can be an effective way to force the opponent into tough blocking situations similar to how Dorinthea decks work, but maybe with more hidden information.

Razor’s Edge itself is a nice card. It’s a zero-cost attack reaction that gives a card three attack power. That’s a great rate. It also packs a defense value of three, making it a strong blocker against any form of attack, whether it’s from a Brute or Warrior.

Outsiders will be released on March 24, so players will be waiting for a while until they learn what the game’s next booster draft set will bring to their favorite classes.

Image of Xavier Johnson
Xavier Johnson
My name is Xavier Johnson and I'm a freelance writer who covers Magic: The Gathering. I love control decks and my favorite card is Teferi, Hero of Dominaria.