TFT 13.3 Patch notes Set 8: Hero Augment, trait changes, and updates

Big changes to Hero Augments and traits for Set Eight have arrived.

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Riot Games is returning to a normal Teamfight Tactics patch schedule with Patch 13.3, showcasing a rework to the Gadgeteen trait, system changes to Hero Augment Armories, and balance changes. 

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Patch 13.3 has Monsters’ Attack! getting back to a normal patch scheduled following the social engineering attack that took place last month. The new update contains several major changes that will impact the TFT Set Eight meta, from increased reroll options for Hero Augment Armories to a large number of balance changes. The only item changes in Patch 13.3 were an adjustment to Theives’ Gloves for an even distribution of items and the Ornn Artifact Infinty Force will now also grant plus-25 mana and plus-25 critical strike.  

Players will have a limited time to finish the Lunar Gala event or play in the Fortune’s Favor mode, with both ending on Feb. 13. Updates were applied to all tooltips within Set Eight, from champion spells to items. And Riot will no longer continue to support iOS12 for mobile with it getting discontinued through Patch 13.4 as early OS versions are difficult to support over time, according to Riot. Patch 13.3 will drop into live servers one day later than normal on Feb. 9.

Here are all the notes for Patch 13.3 for TFT Set Eight, according to Riot. 

Patch 13.3 TFT Hero Augment system changes

Image of Aona preparing for battle through TFT
Image via Riot Games

Randomness in TFT Hero Augments is getting reduced in Patch 13.3 while options are getting increased through players having the ability to roll up to four times for the ideal Hero Augment that fits their comp. The change presents players with a total of 15 possible Hero Augments to choose from. Options provided to players through the Stage 2-1 Armory are random while the Hero Augment choices at either Stage 3-2 or 4-2 are tailored to fit a player’s comp. 

The four Rerolls for Hero Augment Armories are separate from normal TFT Augment Armories, which will still offer the option to Reroll once. Upon Rerolling a Hero Augment Armory, a new selection of unique Hero Augments will get offered to players. 

All Trait changes in TFT Patch 13.3

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A rework was applied to the TFT Set Eight Gadgeteen trait, improving its playability during the mid and late-game stages, providing more damage and damage reduction scaling that grows in power upon a player equipping items. The LaserCorps trait underwent a significant number of changes, from new breakpoints to the percent chance of drone damage getting removed. Other traits like OxForce and Underground were also adjusted in TFT Patch 13.3. 

  • ADMIN: Health threshold variation increased from 40 percent to 66 percent.
  • Anima Squad: Attack damage and ability power bonus were adjusted from 10/30/55 to 10/35/60.
  • Brawler: Health was adjusted from 20/40/65/99 to 20/45/70/99 percent.
  • Gadgeteen (Rework):  All Gadgeteen units gain bonus damage and damage reduction for each item equipped to them. 
  • Gadgeteen (breakpoint of three): Gadgeteen units gain three percent bonus damage and damage reduction per item.
  • Gadgeteen (breakpoint of five): Gadgeteen units gain 12 percent bonus damage and damage reduction per item.
  • LaserCorps: Breakpoints were changed from 3/6/9 to 3/5/7/9
  • LaserCorps: The percent chance for drones to deal damage was removed. Drone damage will now always proc. 
  • LaserCorps: Internal cooldown for drones was reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 seconds.
  • LaserCorps: Damage was reduced from 65/165/200 to 25/45/80/99
  • LaserCorps: The number of drones per breakpoint was changed from 1/1/2 to 1/1/1/2.
  • Mascot: Maximum health healing adjusted from 1.5/2.75/5.5/10 to 1.5/3/6/10 percent.
  • OxForce: Units will remain at one health after the OxForce immunity ends.
  • Underground: Breakpoints were changed from 3/5 to 3/4/5/6
  • Underground: Locks cracked per win at each breakpoint were adjusted from 2/3 to 2/2/3/4.
  • Underground: Locks cracked per loss at each breakpoint were adjusted from 3/5 to 3/4/5/7/

 All Champion balance changes in TFT Patch 13.3

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Patch 13.3 contained a smaller number of champion balance changes as the focus of the update was more on Hero Augments. Draven is getting a slight nerf that results in about three to four percent less damage and reduced health for the Set Eight champion, while Jinx had her mana buffed to improve her within AP builds as an item holder for Miss Fortune.

Jax’s spell will now scale with ability power, Viego had his spell damage center around the primary target and not himself while also getting a bug removed that had his spell fizzle out, and a bug fix was applied to Janna that affected her Twister spell. 


  • Kayle: Spell attack damage ratio increased from 150 to 155 percent
  • Kayle: Spell base damage buffed from 20/30/45 to 25/35/50
  • Lux: Maximum mana changed from 0/70 to 0/60


  • Draven: Spell attack damage ratio reduced from 135 to 130 percent
  • Draven: Spell base damage nerfed from 65/100/150 to 60/95/145
  • Draven: Armor and magic resistance reduced from 20 to 15
  • Fiora: Armor and magic resistance increased from 45 to 50
  • Jinx: Mana buffed from 30/90 to 20/80


  • Jax: Spell strike damage will now scale with ability power
  • Vel’Koz: Updated tooltip now includes that the enemy cannot get stunned again for four seconds after getting stunned


  • Taliyah: Spell damage buffed from 200/300/900 to 210/315/945
  • Viego: Spell damage will center around the primary target and not Viego
  • Viego: A bug fix resolved Viego’s spell from failing to deal damage in certain situations but it can still whiff if enemies leave the AoE of the spell
  • Viego: AoE damage to secondary targets was nerfed from 130/195/425 to 125/185/400


  • Janna: A bug fix resolved Janna from doing 20 percent of the intended damage from what was stated in the tooltip
  • Janna: Damage changed on the tooltip from 100/150/3000 to 50/75/1000
  • Janna: Stun damage adjusted from 1.5/2/3 to 1.25/2/10
  • Janna: Windy ability power and attack damage nerfed from 12/25/150 to 10/20/99 percent
  • Janna: Sunny health shield adjusted from 400/600/4000 to 400/600/2000

All Hero Augment balance changes for TFT Patch 13.3

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The system change applied to Hero Augments resulted in a number of balance changes taking place in Patch 13.3.

Related: All TFT Set 8 Champions: Stats, Hero Augments, and costs

Jinx’s carry Hero Augment was buffed with attack speed while Janna’s Rapid Reporting was reworked. Gold from Miss Fortune Make it Rain Hero Augment was adjusted and Malphite’s Rock Solid had its armor to ability power conversion increased. 


  • Galio Justice Punch (carry): Damage amplification increased from 75 to 150 percent
  • Gangplank Flaming Ricochet (carry): Bounce damage increased from 90 to 100 percent
  • Lux Lucent Barrier (support): Shield amount increased from 350 to 500
  • Renekton Reign of Anger (carry): Base attack speed increased from 65 to 75 percent
  • Sylas Kingslayer (carry): Bonus maximum health reduced from 30 to 25 percent
  • Talon Ox-ian Range (support): Attack damage and ability power reduced from 12 to 10


  • Annie Reflector Shield (carry): Shield damage increased from 185 to 200 and internal cooldown reduced from 0.2 to 0.1 seconds
  • Fiora Frontline Fencing (carry): Armor and magic resistance increased from 175 to 250
  • Jinx Get Excited! (carry): Reworked—Grants Jinx 40 percent attack speed and move speed. The amount is tripled for seven seconds after Jinx scores a takedown. 
  • Lee Sin Invigorate (support): Attack speed buff duration increased from three to four
  • Malphite Rock Solid (carry): The Armor to ability power conversion was increased from 100 to 150 percent
  • Rell Hold the Line (carry): Bonus ability power increased from 70 to 80 and damage reduction increased from 30 to 35 percent.


  • Miss Fortune Make it Rain (support): Gold granted is now 10 to 20 based on the Stage number. Stage three grants 10 gold while Stage four and after grants 20 gold. 
  • Sett Regenerative Shield (support): Now grants a Protector’s Vow instead of Locket of Iron Solari


  • Janna Rapid Reporting (carry): Reworked to a category five—players gain a Janna and she gains 50 ability power while her ability deals true damage.
  • Nunu They See Me Rolling (support): Bonus ability power increased from 10 to 20

All Regular Augment balance changes in TFT Patch 13.3

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Balance changes made to regular TFT Augments in Patch 13.3 focused on items granted through Crowns and Souls, while also spreading out gold offered through Augments. 

  • Ancient Archives (Silver-tier): Now also gives two gold
  • Ancient Archives (Gold-tier): Now also gives eight gold
  • Birthday Present: No longer grants gold on level up
  • Brawler Crown: The item granted changed from Redemption to Protector’s Vow
  • Clear Mind: Now only grants experience at the end of player combat rounds
  • Cluttered Mind: Now only grants experience at the end of player combat rounds
  • Cluttered Mind: Champions granted changed to four random tier-one champions
  • Heart Crown: The item granted changed from Zz’Rot Portal to Guardbreaker
  • Hustler: Now only grants gold at the beginning of player combat rounds
  • March of Progress: Now only grants experience at the beginning of player combat rounds
  • MechaPRIME Crown: The item granted changed from Titan’s Vow to Bloodthirster
  • Pandora’s Items: Added back into the Augment pool
  • Prankster Crown: The item granted changed from Edge of Night to Morellonomicon
  • Recon Crown: The item granted changed from Zeke’s Herald to Hand of Justice
  • Spellslinger Crown: The Item granted changed from Jeweled Gauntlet to Hand of Justice
  • Underground Crown: The item granted changed from Hextech Gunblade to a Zz’Rot Portal

Patch 13.3 bug fixes

  • Samira’s spell will no longer choose illegal targets or switch targets incorrectly
  • The Monsters’ Attack! battle pass date was updated to say it ends on March 21
  • Units protected from crowd control through Quicksilver will no longer get affected by Ekko’s attack speed Slow. 
  • Typos were fixed in the League of Draven Augment, the ADMIN Start of Combat variants, and in Lux’s spell tooltip.
  • Omnivamp will now consistently apply itself to the source regardless of the source
  • Golden Egg drops that were missing an intended Tactician Crown have been fixed
  • Tooltips for Star Guardian, ADMIN, Anima Squad, Prankster, Spellslinger, and Sureshot had their text improved for clarity
  • The colors for Nunu’s Hero Augments have been corrected with carry now as purple and support as green
Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.