Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the sequel to Respawn Entertainment’s first installment in the franchise, Jedi: Fallen Order, resuming the story of Jedi Cal Kestis. Releasing on April 28, Jedi: Survivor is undoubtedly among the most highly anticipated games of 2023 with thousands of potential players rushing to pre-orders.
Jedi: Survivor takes place five years after the events of the first game, as Cal Kestis has continued his fight against the Empire further along in the sprawling Star Wars timeline. Though reacquainting players with beloved characters, Jedi: Survivor is also poised to show players new threats, locations, and gameplay mechanics.
While Jedi: Survivor is set to release across PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch owners have been curious to see if the game will be released for their platform as well. This is everything we know about a potential Nintendo Switch release for Jedi: Survivor.
Will Star Wars Jedi: Survivor be on the Nintendo Switch?
As it stands, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will not release on the Nintendo Switch, and Respawn Entertainment has no future plans to release a Switch version of the game later down the line. Jedi: Survivor is only slated to release on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S and will skip over last generation consoles including the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Jedi: Survivor boasts far improved visuals when compared to the Jedi: Fallen Order, and prioritized creating the game for current generation consoles to deliver the best graphics and visual experience. Unfortunately, this means previous generation console users and Nintendo Switch players will need to either make the jump to current generation consoles or obtain the game on PC.
The Nintendo Switch is notoriously difficult to create games for with higher quality visuals. In a recent example, Hogwarts Legacy announced the Switch version of the game would release six months later than the initial release to tailor the game to this lesser powerful console.
Given that Respawn Entertainment has put such a heavy emphasis on creating this game for the current generation, it is unlikely that Jedi: Survivor will ever be ported to the Nintendo Switch.