League fans are wondering how Syndra got her bod

Reddit detectives have uncovered a discrepancy between Syndra's lore and her splash art.

Image via Riot Games

Syndra has some of the most compelling lore of any League champion. Last summer, Riot released an amazing short story that detailed her pain and anguish, as well as the lengths to which the Ionians went to keep her bottled up. But she was too powerful to be held down for long.

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Now she’s free and is a terror in the mid lane where she floats like a butterfly and stings like a ton of bricks. And that’s where League fans have a problem with her. No, not in her “Press R to delete” power—lots of champions can do that now. No, Syndra fans on Reddit have found a discrepancy between her champion model and her splash art. Specifically, they ask how her thighs can be so thicc despite the fact that she is always floating.

Floating is a key part of how Syndra works as a champion. It allows her to cast spells without interrupting her movement commands. It’s a core mechanic that all Syndra mains have worked hard to master and it makes her unique from every other League spellcaster.

But while she makes floating look effortless, it’s possible that it actually requires a tremendous amount of energy. Have you ever tried floating? It’s not as easy as it looks. All great athletes make what they’re doing seem easy, and that illusion is what makes them fun to watch.

That energy expenditure could be the reason she looks amazing. We don’t know how much Syndra actually exercises her body, but based on her biography, she just doesn’t seem to be the type to focus too much on the physical. After all, she was able to see past Zed’s face scar and strike up a relationship with him, at least in fan fiction. She probably doesn’t care that she’s super fine—it’s all about the personality (hint: let her take charge).

So take heart, League Redditors. There’s a lot to complain about in the game this preseason, but Syndra looks exactly as she should. 

Image of Xing Li
Xing Li
Xing has been covering League of Legends esports since 2015. He loves when teams successfully bait Baron, hates tank metas, and is always down for creative support picks—AP Malphite, anybody?