All Character Attributes in Dead Island 2, explained

Each has its purpose.

Image via Deep Silver

Dead Island 2’s new selection of characters provides gamers with plenty of opportunities to replay this zombie extravaganza. Players get to select between characters with different attributes, giving them the upper hand in some situations and heavily nerfing them in others.

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With six different classes, there’s a good chance some players will be cautious with whom they pick. If you’re looking for a character who dives head-first into zombies, you might need to take a minute and think about their strengths and weaknesses.

Each character has their time to shine, it’s just about picking the protagonist who suits your playstyle.

What are the character attributes in Dead Island 2?

Image via Deep Silver


Players who love to speed by flailing zombies will want to pick a character who’s maxed out their agility. This will impact how fast a character walks and how quickly they can get out of a sticky situation.

Critical Damage

If you’re looking to kill zombies as fast as possible, you’ll need to critical hit almost every time. This is where a character with a high critical damage stat comes into play. Most critical hits come when bopping a zombie on the head with a blunt instrument, and a player with a high critical damage stat will have a higher damage output from those hits.

Health Recovery 

Dead Island 2 has several moments where one sliver of health can make all the difference. You’ll be flooded by zombies varying in size and ability, so having tons of health to keep you up and running is essential.

This particular attribute helps a player heal quicker. There will be times when you’re fresh out of food and you need to recover. You’ll return a particular amount of health, but with this stat maxed it, it will occur faster. Also, your health will increase faster as you eat and med kit to save yourself.

Peak Health 

Players with a high peak health stat will be able to cop a few more blows from hungry zombies. This is a great stat to have at its highest, and will greatly impact your playstyle if it’s low.


Resilience will impact how much health is taken with each bit of damage from elemental and status effects from a zombie. With several zombies using status effects to their advantage, this is an important stat to think about.


This attribute will determine how much stamina is used when attacking and moving around Hell-A. Having this stat maxed out will be a great way of doing those drop kicks that make the game so much fun.


Toughness will determine how many hits a player can take. With crowds of zombies coming to tear you limb from limb, this attribute is incredibly useful for surviving.

Image of Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
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