LoL players claim Yuumi’s rework ‘failed’—even after Riot Phreak drops stats to prove otherwise

The most hated cat on the internet.

Yuumi's official art. She rests on top of her magical book.
Image via Riot Games

Yuumi is still stirring controversy in the League of Legends community, and her rework didn’t put an end to it. Players keep thinking she’s overpowered, even though stats can point to the contrary.

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In a Reddit thread from June 8, a League player ironically asked for the release date of Yuumi’s rework, which was released on March 7, and complained about still seeing her picked too often in pro play.

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Riot Games’ David “Phreak” Turley defended the developer in a comment by revealing stats that proved her rework was efficient. He claimed her presence rate in pro play decreased anywhere from 6 to 14 percent, depending on the league.

It went from a whopping 50 percent in matches played on Patch 12.18 (referring to 2022 World Championship) to 36 to 44 percent in Patch 13.11 games.

“Seems like a pretty successful update to me,” he wrote. “Maybe some pros should get better at drafting.”

Users massively downvoted Phreak’s comments, with some firing back with her win rate in pro play. While it’s only roughly 40 percent in LEC and LCK Summer Splits, she still has a 70 percent win rate in the LPL since her rework, according to Oracle’s Elixir, which is the highest among supports. On the other side, she’s only the sixth support pick with the most presence.

“Did we fail with the Yuumi rework? No, the pro players must be wrong,” ironically answered another user.

Yuumi has been a controversial champion since her release in May 2019, mainly due to her unique ability to attach herself to an ally and become untargetable. Her prevalence in some tournaments and annoying attach ability has made her become one of the most-hated champions in the game.

During April’s Mid-Season Invitational tournament, she was banned due to being not ready for pro play after her rework, and many players took the opportunity to ask for a full ban from League. That’s how much she’s hated. Still, she wasn’t always the top pick among supports but frequently returned at the top as the meta shifted.

This year alone, the Magical Cat already received six nerfs after her rework, including the one being introduced with Patch 13.12 next week. There’s little doubt she will receive further changes in this season, as the line between making her overpowered and pushing her completely away from the meta is that thin.

Image of Eva Martinello
Eva Martinello
Eva is a Staff Writer from Paris. Her part-time job is charging into walls with Reinhardt. She has been covering League of Legends esports and other titles for six years. She still believes in a Moscow Five comeback. She also fell into the MMO pit and covers FFXIV and Genshin.