Kiriko’s best ability is still broken and Overwatch 2 players keep finding out the hard way

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Kiriko with Hanzo helping in the background
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Kiriko’s long-broken Swift Step teleport ability is still causing problems in Overwatch 2, sending unlucky supports into the depths of the map whenever it glitches. Players attempting to teleport to low-health teammates are sent out-of-bounds instead of their desired location, which then sees them killed by the arena’s limits.

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Blizzard actually claimed to have fixed this issue months ago, but updates seem to have done little to curb the issue. Even rebuilding her teleporting framework from the ground up has apparently failed to quash the problems.

And today, it’s reared its ugly head again; one unlucky Kiriko flew to her death on Watchpoint: Gibraltar before sharing the bug’s shock resurgence with fans.

The hero-breaking Overwatch 2 bug occurs whenever a Kiriko uses her Swift Step ability. What usually happens is Kiriko will begin her teleport animation, but end up in the same position. This leaves her teammates low on health, and Kiriko out in the open with nowhere to go—except, usually, back to the spawning room.

Players spotted the bug at the beginning of this year, which lead to the devs’ first attempts to fix the issue in an April update.

Related: A six-month-old Overwatch 2 bug is still confusing players

Top Overwatch dev Jared Neuss then said they were going to rewrite Kiriko’s “teleport logic” in July, but this new incident suggests that may not have happened yet. Odds are, we will likely keep seeing the issue until those changes ship.

With any luck, the next OW2 patch, planned for August, will finally fix the issue. If not, we may have to wait for the mid-monthly update, or even longer.

Until then, maybe steer clear of playing Kiriko every single game.

Image of Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact