Best Fiora build in LoL Arena

Learn the best items and augments for her.

Pulsefire Fiora
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends’ new Arena game mode was launched on the occasion of the Soul Fighter summer event on July 20, instantly becoming a hit for both casual and hardcore players, who have been testing out all champions to identify the strongest champions.

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Among the S-tier champions in Arena, there is one that has been standing out from the rest: Fiora. She has an impressive 61.34 percent win rate, according to OP.GG, with an incredible 35.38 percent first-place finish. This means that by playing her, you should expect a first-place victory once every three games. 

Her kit is perfect for the game mode: one of the strongest duelists in the game, she has dashes, mobility, and true damage. In other words, Fiora is the jack of all trades for the new game mode, making her an ideal carry to play around.

Regardless, it’s essential to learn all the small details, from items to augments, to maximize the results when playing her. With that in mind, this is the best Fiora build in Arena

Best build for Fiora in League’s Arena game mode

If you have played a few games of Arena, you probably already know there are no runes in the game mode. There are, however, a couple of unique starting items, and Fiora typically has two options to choose from: Guardian’s Hammer and Guardian’s Blade.

Both grant good stats on her, but there is a slight difference. Guardian’s Hammer gives attack speed and lifesteal while Guardian’s Blade increases Fiora’s health and ability haste. In most scenarios, the former is more effective on her, which is why it’s the preferred choice. 

But if you’re not able to get many auto attacks and need to play with the abilities, Guardian’s Blade would be stronger in that case. Ultimately, it’s a matter of preference, so try out both to see which one you would prefer. 

After the first rounds, you will receive the gold necessary to choose your boots: the preferred ones are usually Plated Steelcaps since it lowers enemies’ damage on auto attacks, but Mercury’s Treads are also a viable choice, especially against magic-damage-heavy lobbies. Regardless, you can swap to one or the other if you have leftover gold in the final stages, depending on which enemies are surviving.

Fiora’s build in Arena is fairly similar to the one used in Summoner’s Rift, including the Mythic items. The preferred option is usually Divine Sunderer, which grants good sustain from the start, as well as the passive ability to give both magic and armor penetration. 

Trinity Force is also, however, a strong choice if you need to push more during the early rounds. You will sacrifice sustain for higher damage output, so keep that in mind. Ideally, you want to have sustain coming from the augments or your partner if you’re going for it.

Once you get your Mythic item, proceed to rush Ravenous Hydra for additional lifesteal as well as the AoE cleave effect. By doing so, you can spread the damage to both targets if they are close. 

When it comes to the third item, you probably would need to get a bit of resistances, as the enemies will also be building a lot of damage. Death Dance is the go-to choice since converts a part of the damage taken into damage over time, and it grants good stats for Fiora. 

Fiora LoL Arena build
Fiora Arena build. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Round off the build with Blade of the Ruined King to improve Fiora’s dueling power while also building more lifesteal. With so many tanky champions being meta in Arena, it’s the perfect item to shred their health bars.

Round off the build with Sterak’s Gage or Guardian’s Angel, depending on which stats you need most: health or armor. In most cases, Sterak’s Gage is stronger since it gives a shield and, most importantly, tenacity. If you’re not facing tanky champions, consider swapping Blade of the Ruined King with Guardian’s Angel so you also get the reviving effect.  

The ability maxing order for Fiora is Q>E>W. Always max Q, Lunge, since it’s Fiora’s main damage and mobility spell. With the implementation of augments, her Q is key to making her even stronger, so always prioritize that. 

E and W are technically interchangeable: you want to max W if you need more parries to negate crowd controls or damage, while E is the more offensive choice.  

Best Augments for Fiora in League Arena

Aside from item builds, nailing the right augments is equally important in the Arena game mode. Below, you can find the best Augments to get on Fiora, ranked by tier and in order: 

Silver Augments

  • Shadow Runner – After using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport Ability or exiting Stealth, gain 300 Move Speed for two seconds.
  • Executioner – Deal 15 percent more damage to enemies below 50 percent health. Reset your basic abilities on takedown.
  • Infernal Soul – You gain the Infernal Soul, dealing bonus damage when you hit enemies with Abilities or Attacks.
    • Infernal Soul Effect: Damaging basic attacks and abilities trigger an explosion around the target, dealing 80 (+ 22.5 percent bonus AD) (+ 13.5 percent AP) (+ 2.75 percent bonus health) adaptive damage to the target and nearby enemies (three-second cooldown).
  • Deft – gain 50 percent attack speed

Among the silver-tier choices, Shadow Runner is the best choice. The extra movement speed gained after dashing with Q will allow Fiora to stay on top of her targets and keep dealing damage. The spell can also be used defensively to quickly get away from danger or dodge key enemy abilities.

Gold Augments 

  • Outlaw’s Grit – After using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport Ability you gain 15 Armor and Magic Resist. (Total 75 and last the entire round)
  • The Brutalizer – Gain 25 Attack Damage, 10 Ability Haste, and 15 Lethality.
  • Shrink Ray –  our Attacks reduce an enemy’s damage by 15 percent for three seconds.
  • Demon’s Dance – Gain the Fleet Footwork and Grasp of the Undying Keystone Runes.
  • Scoped Weapons – Gain 200 Attack Range, reduced to 100 for ranged characters.
  • Firebrand – Basic attacks apply a burn for five seconds that deals bonus magic damage per second equal to 0.6 percent of the target’s maximum health over the duration. This burn stacks infinitely and refreshes with each application.
  • Recursion – Gain 60 ability haste.

Fiora has many strong choices among gold augments, but the only must-have one is Outlaw’s Grit. Thanks to her low cooldowns on her Qs, Fiora can quickly gain resistances and get to max stacks at the start of each round. By getting this, Fiora can fully focus her itemization on offensive choices, making her the best bruiser duelist in the game. 

Prismatic Augments

  • Blade Waltz – Replaces Flee with Blade Waltz.
    • Blade Waltz Effect: Dashes around the target enemy champion 8 times, dealing 30 – 150 (based on level) (+ 10 percent bonus AD) (+ six percent AP) physical damage and applying on-hit effects at 50 percent effectiveness for each dash and granting untargetability during the entire effect. Deals a total of 240 – 1200 (based on level) (+ 80 percent bonus AD) (+ 48 percent AP) physical damage.
  • Mystic Punch – Your Attacks reduce your cooldowns by one second.
  • Dashing – Your dash, leap, blink, or teleport Abilities gain 200 Ability Haste.
  • Symphony of War – Gain the Lethal Tempo and Conqueror Keystone Runes.
  • Goliath – Become large, gaining 35 percent Health and 15 percent Adaptive Force and 50 percent increased size.

When it comes to the Prismatic Augments, Blade Waltz is the best choice available. Those who have played League for a long time probably remember how that ability used to be Fiora’s ultimate in Summoner’s Rift, so it’s not a surprise to see it still synergizing up to this day. 

By getting this augment, Fiora will be able to quickly chunk down both targets and then finish them off with her own ultimate. Other augments are also strong, but the only one that comes close to Blade Waltz in terms of power on Fiora is Mystic Punch since it further lowers Fiora’s cooldowns.

Image of Davide Xu
Davide Xu
Davide is a League expert with nearly 10 years of experience and knowledge. Once a young talent that wanted to go pro, he now enjoys talking about the game and competitive scene. @Dovi_X on Twitter