T1 Gumayusi’s hilarious ramen analogy perfectly sums up LoL’s ADC role

I'm pretty sure Gumayusi was hungry when he came up with this analogy.

Caityln's Arcane skin in League of Legends, based on the hit Netflix series. She has long, blue hair and holds a purple gun.
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The ADC role is many things in League of Legends. It’s a source of damage from the bottom lane, a hypercarry in teamfights, and an important role in any composition. But according to Gumayusi, it’s also like an egg.

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The T1 marksman perfectly summed up his role with an analogy about instant ramen in a recent stream. The delicious noodle from Japan has multiple ingredients, each relating closely to the five roles in League.

There’s the noodles, water, and soup base, which Gumayusi says are like the top, middle, and jungle, and then there’s the vegetables and the egg. While the vegetables are like the support role, the egg is like ADC.

Noodles, water, and soup are crucial in ramen, but the egg is just an extra treat. “ADC is the egg and you don’t really need it. But if they are the same ramen, the one with an egg is better,” Gumayusi explained according to a translation on Aug. 30.

“If both are with appropriate water, noodles, and soup base, then the egg will make a difference. But if one is with insufficient water, no soup base, or under-cooked noodles, then does the egg really matter? No, it doesn’t,” Gumayusi said.

In other words, the ADC role relies on the top, middle, and jungle to function. When those roles fall behind on Summoner’s Rift, ADC players quickly become sitting ducks. There’s no point being able to dish out tons of damage if your frontline is nowhere to be seen. They’re nothing without their teammates.

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“When water, noodles, and soup base are good, then the egg is important. Then ADC can be dynamic. Otherwise, it is meaningless,” he summed up. 

While Gumayusi didn’t go into detail about supports and vegetables, they’re clearly in the same boat as ADC—or bowl.

Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath is a senior editor at Dot Esports.