How to beat Eldest Brother of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood in Lies of P

A Brotherhood to die for

Lies of P enemies, one holding a coffin that says LIAR on it
Image via Neowiz

There are multiple bosses you need to worry about when it comes to the Black Rabbit Brotherhood in Lies of P, and Eldest Brother is one of them.

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Whether you have gone through the Malum District with the help of Black Cat and Red Fox or you have braved the storm on your lonesome, the final destination is one filled with anguish and ambushes. The Black Rabbit Brotherhood awaits you on the other side and they want Pinocchio’s head.

The Black Rabbit Brotherhood is split into two boss fights: Eldest Brother and Brotherhood. Both have similar mechanics as you face-off against multiple enemies at the same time. This guide will demonstrate the best way to defeat the Eldest Brother in Malum District.

How to defeat the Eldest Brother in Lies of P

Lies of P Eldest Brother of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Nice mask. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Eldest Brother is the main boss you need to face in Malum District. This is not the first time you will face this boss in Lies of P. The goal is to defeat the Eldest Brother with evasion, blocking, or forcing the other Brotherhood members to retreat.

Boss fights up until this point are relatively straight forward in a strictly one-versus-one arena. But the Brotherhood throws multiple bosses at you at once instead of having the standard second wave. Every boss in this arena has their own unique move set and powerful attacks.

The result of this boss fight unlocks the Wishstone shop with Giangio. These Wishstones are great for future bosses like Romeo, King of Puppets. We highly recommend the use of the Specter throughout your Lies of P playthrough because the AI can distract the boss and tank damage as you get in combinations for a fatal attack.

Coming up with a good strategy before you pass through that Dark Souls-style wall and back into the arena is best here. Below we outline how to defeat the Eldest Brother with or without the Specter summon.

Tips on defeating the Brotherhood with the Specter

As this fight ends by killing the Eldest Brother, your initial plan may be to focus on him and evade the other bosses in the arena. However, this is not the best method to defeat the Brotherhood. Instead, you should take on each boss one by one as you slowly chip away at the Eldest Brother’s health bar. The bosses to focus on are the Youngest, Eccentric, and Battle Maniac.

The Specter often lures in multiple members of the Brotherhood at once. Use this to your advantage and focus on a single member of the Brotherhood. Be sure to utilize the lock-on feature and switch between each member relevant for the fight as you progress.

You cannot kill any of the Brotherhood aside from the Eldest Brother here. Focus your attention on a single member until they retreat. The Eldest Brother may try to attack you as you are fighting off the other members. If this happens, evade or block his attacks. Make sure to lock onto his character model so you can successfully block and use guard regain for any depleted health.

It is important to note that focusing on the Eldest Brother and ignoring the other members in the arena will result in the Specter dying, switching the attention of all four members onto you. Make sure you pick off each member one-by-one and deal damage to the Eldest Brother in between each member’s introduction and retreat. This will prevent the Specter from dying too early in the fight.

Finally, use fatal attacks on the Brotherhood members aside from the Eldest Brother. Both Technique and Motivity builds can be used here to get behind the enemy and hit a fatal attack with critical damage, taking a massive chunk of health and temporarily taking them out of the fight to attack another member.

Tips on defeating the Brotherhood on your own

Defeating the Eldest Brother without the help of the Specter is much harder and requires more patience. You want to follow a similar strategy as above, but take it super slow. As soon as the first member drops into the fight, focus your attention on them while avoiding the Eldest Brother at all times. You want to treat the boss fight as four separate one-vs-ones. Force each member to retreat, then focus back on the Eldest Brother to cut down his health.

Take it slow against the Eldest Brother, focusing on either blocking or evading his attacks depending on your Lies of P build. His move set is slow, but hits incredibly hard if he connects. Opting for a single charge attack or two combo attacks will work in your favor, as you can easily get animation locked here and suffer from attacks if you overextend too much.

This boss is weak to fire so you can imbue your blade with Fire Abrasive or use throwables like Fire Canister to deal 492 damage. Stack charge attacks by playing carefully and patiently. When the health bar turns white, execute another charge attack to stun the Eldest Brother. This is the best way to get in critical damage and take out a huge chunk of his health.

After successfully killing the Eldest Brother, the fight will end, but this is only the first encounter you will have with these cultists.

Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
A Psychology graduate trying to find the meaning of life through gaming. An enthusiast of indie horror and anime where you'll often find them obsessing over a great narrative and even better twists that M. Night would be jealous of. Their shocking twist? "The Last of Us II is a masterpiece."