Apex Legends Mobile employees under fire for using blackface in Halloween cosplays

The tweet has since been taken down but the Apex Legends community is still waiting for an official response.

Image via Respawn Entertainment

The official Japanese Apex Legends Mobile account deleted a tweet that shocked the gaming community.

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To celebrate Halloween weekend, staff from Apex Legends Mobile in Japan posed together as various legends from the vibrant battle royale. While it seemed like a cute way for staff to show their love for the roster initially, fans quickly pointed out that some employees were using blackface.

Apex Legends employees use blackface in Halloween photo

Apex Legends is known for its diverse cast of characters from multiple backgrounds, cultures, races, and identities. It makes sense that the employees would want to represent the entire roster by choosing a different legend to represent while out on the town. But the way the team went about a handful of the cosplays has many Apex Legends fans offended, angry, and disappointed.

In a since-deleted tweet, employees can be seen using makeup to darken their faces to represent people of color. This includes the woman playing Bangalore and two people in the back dressed up as Seer and Newcastle.

Screengrab via Twitter

Blackface has been a huge topic of controversy in the cosplay and costume world for quite some time now. The practice has a racist history that makes it inappropriate and offensive to many people. It’s been widely discussed online, with most cosplayers saying it’s okay to dress up as a POC character but never to use makeup to darken skin tones.

The tweet was up for about 20 minutes before many Apex Legends fans started to lash out at the employees. Catalyst’s voice actress, Meli Grant, wrote that she loves group cosplays but noticed “cosmetic choices” that left her feeling bummed.

“It’s not necessary, fam. Let your beautiful work stand on its own merit. Don’t undermine it like this,” Grant wrote.

So far, no official Apex Legends account has commented on the situation. The Japanese Apex Legends Mobile account still has another tweet about its Halloween Cafe event and professionally done photos of each cosplayer, including the ones in blackface.
