Apex’s new devilish legend looks straight out of LoL in latest devstream

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Bangalore running from enemies in an Apex Legends match.
Image via Respawn Entertainment

In an apparent tease from Apex Legends developers, eagle-eyed fans have spotted a new legend that may be coming to the game. Found within Respawn’s latest episode of “Developer Diaries,” the leak has gamers speculating over who this mysterious figure may be, and when they might appear in the Outlands. 

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Respawn’s latest Developer Diary video on YouTube features a clip of the legend select screen displaying a certain scruffy rogue-looking character more akin to League of Legends than Apex. Found approximately nine minutes into the video, screenshots have already been circulating on X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit

Screenshot from Respawn's Dev Diary showing a mystery legend under the Skirmisher Category
Who is the mystery legend seen on the far right of the skirmisher category? Screenshot via Respawn Entertainment

Listed among the Skirmishers, the character design is more reminiscent of concept design sketches rather than a refined character tile, explaining its League-esque look and suggesting the legend’s official release may still be some time away. Gamers certainly should not expect the new legend to be introduced in Season 20. However, as one user noted on Reddit, developers had previously mentioned that the next legend to be introduced would be a Skirmisher, further supporting that this is a deliberate tease for fans. 

Although it is unknown when exactly this legend will enter the Outlands, theories are already circulating as to who this new legend could be. 

In October 2022 Respawn launched Catalyst into the Apex Legends universe. “Stories from the Outlands: Last Hope” showed the legend alongside several other figures from her past, including one particularly firey activist named Margo. Some have drawn comparisons between Margo and the newly leaked legend’s appearance, theorizing that she could be the new character. 

This theory may hold some weight. When placed side by side, the pictures of Margo and the mystery legend show them both with similar, wildly unkempt hair, a choker-style accessory, and dark makeup. However, Apex developers have not recently taken the direction of bringing formerly seen side characters into the Outlands, so introducing Margo would mark a change in direction for the game. 

A side-by-side comparison of Margo and the mystery legend.
Margo, seen on the left, and the mystery legend on the right, featuring their strikingly similar hair and makeup. Images via Respawn Entertainment

Whether the new legend is Catalyst’s Margo or a new character entirely, fans can rest assured that this leak is almost certainly a deliberate tease from developers. A highly edited and well-planned Developer Diary video would almost certainly not reveal such details by accident. 

Season 20 has plenty to keep fans busy while waiting to find out more, but for now, Apex’s newest legend remains largely a secret.