Titans, Blisk, and wall-running: Every feature from scrapped Apex single-player game we’ll never get now

We can see the petitions already.

Image via Respawn Entertainment

While we rapidly approach the Apex Legends Season 16 launch, other Apex-related titles seem to be tossed by the wayside. Apex Mobile was recently given an early death knell, and now news has surfaced revealing a secret, single-player, Titanfall 2-esque experience that had been in development has been scrapped entirely.

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EA hadn’t publicly announced the development, but news of the unfortunate cancellation spread across the internet like wildfire. While we can take solace in the fact we don’t know what we actually missed, some details have leaked, thanks to Journalist Jeff Grub’s discussion on the Giant Bomb podcast.

Here’s everything we almost got in the Apex/Titanfall single-player title.

Image via Respawn Entertainment

Titanfall 2 characters

BT was one of the most memorable Titanfall characters and was most likely going to be a part of the game. BT was the Pathfinder titan linked with Jack Cooper, the protagonist of Titanfall 2, during the single-player campaign.

Apex’s very own Rampart would’ve made an appearance too, with the revelation she had gone and resurrected our favorite robotic Titanfall character.

Blisk as a playable character

Players would have been traversing this single-player experience through Blisk’s lens, or at least for sections of the eventual story. The character has been rumored to be making his way over to Apex, but this game likely would’ve given gamers a taste of the Outlands legend before he debuted in the battle royale proper.

Apex Legends making a cameo appearances

Some of the Apex Legends characters we all know and love would be rocking up mid-way through the game to give you all the powers required to make your way through the campaign. Grubb shared the title was “going to have the legends show up and give you special powers throughout the game, so they could tie it to Apex in a really strong way.”

Unfortunately, we’ll never see that come to fruition. There was also no indication whether it would have been the whole Apex roster or just several cameos.

DOOM Eternal style gameplay

The now-scraped title was reportedly a mix of Apex and Titanfall, but the addition of another game’s style could’ve taken it to a whole new level: Doom was apparently one of the key inspirations for the single-player experience. 

The plan seemed to revolve around Doom Eternal’s inventory and intense play style. Grubb revealed, “they were also super inspired by Doom Eternal, where you’re always aggressive and always getting stuff.” 

A comeback for Titanfall 2 wall-running

This feature was going to be a movement mechanic most players would have likely welcomed back with open arms. The return of the Titanfall-style movement ability wouldn’t be a one-time special power either, but more likely a mechanic that would be there consistently throughout the title. According to Grubb, the devs wanted to avoid CoD-style wall-running.

So far, that’s all we know about the scrapped single-player Apex/TF2 title. What you don’t know can’t hurt you, but now you know. At least we can all be sad together.

Image of Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact harry@dotesports.com