Juggernaut cut down in his prime, finally gets nerfed
Dota players are known for batting down objections to "overpowered" heroes and spells by saying, "Everything is 'OP', so it's okay
Dota players are known for batting down objections to "overpowered" heroes and spells by saying, "Everything is 'OP', so it's okay
Amidst a flurry of Western roster changes, two of Dota's most charmed personalities are saying that they were kicked off Cloud9
Some games become legend, some games fizzle out, but 12 years after the original Dota mod was unleashed on unsuspecting Warcraft 3 players, people still can't get enough of the game that started a genre
In competitive Dota, only one thing matters: an International championship
There are numerous figures for whom public opinion is virtually unanimous: Stalin, Pol Pot, McConaughey, and, in the world of Dota, Techies
In esports, success is a fleeting thing
I watch an almost unhealthy amount of esports and video games
If you're a Dota fan, Christmas is coming in August in 2015
A once-great Swedish Dota house is officially finding its footing after a spectacular fall from grace
Gamers in search of glory can be their own worst enemies, chasing lost kills to their death and turning fun competitions into unrewarding slogs for fleeting validation