GoSu Pepper/Edward Interview – “me and diamond kinda hated each other in team for 2 years, then we grow up and everything changed. i consider him as a brother :)”
Interview with Edward, support of Gambit Gaming.
It’s not “just” a Dyrus comp – How TSM used the draft to defy Gravity
Looking at TSM's draft and how it countered Gravity
The NA “Hypercarry by default” meta, or why TSM/GV will be play-off favorites
The NA "Hypercarry by default" meta
Mordekaiser’s extra experience gain sets a bad precedent for future design
Why doubling Mordekaiser's experience in the bot lane isn't the way to shake up the AD-support meta.
The Top 10 Jungle Champions in Competitive History
A look at the top junglers in competitive history.