Without a doubt the longest standing issue within the community has been the cost of unlocking content with Influence Points (IP). It takes over 450,000 IP to unlock every Champion currently released.
The first time you leave your home is hard. By the time we're old enough to do so, most of us are in such a rush to get out on our own that we fail to realize just what we're giving up.
I'm going to get this out of the way quick. Amazing leaving TSM is the best for both teams. The relationship clearly did not play out as either side predicted. Instead of shoring up TSM's weaknesses, Amazing contributed to them.
As recently as four days ago, in the wake of a series of tweets aimed at various members of the TSM organization, I professed the opinion that OnGamers needs to part ways with the divisive Duncan "Thorin "Shields.
1. Require players to have played 25 Normal Que Draft Games before they are allowed to play Ranked. The Pick and Ban phase is the largest difference between Normal Games and Ranked Games.
On Saturday, October 4th, Cloud 9 will take on Samsung Blue in the second halfof a delicious NA/Samsung quarterfinal doubleheader. But don't make the mistake of assumingthat Cloud 9 is facing the same fate as TSM likely is.