Play2Live ups the ante on stream interactivity with new task system

Streaming platform allows viewers to set goals for its streamers through real-time monitoring of streams.

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Up for a challenge? Play2Live can give its streamers that answer in real time.

The world’s first decentralized streaming platform now allows viewers to challenge their favorite Play2Live streamers with a new interactive task system. During any Play2Live stream, viewers can use Level Up Coin (LUC) tokens—virtual currency that can be converted to other virtual or physical currencies—to set a bounty for a streamer to complete during their stream.

After the streamer is given their viewer-submitted challenges, they can choose to complete as many or as few tasks as possible during their stream. Play2Live monitors their stream to see whether tasks are completed, and, should the streamer not complete a task, viewers are automatically refunded the amount of LUC tokens they put into that specific challenge.

For example: A streamer who decides to drop into Fortnite has some viewers who wants to support his stream while also giving them a challenge. Those viewers can use their LUC tokens to task the streamer at earning four pistol kills in Tilted Tower in their next game. If the streamer completes this challenge, they get the LUC tokens as a reward. Otherwise, those tokens are refunded and the viewers can use them again to vote for a new task.

Alexey Burdyko, the chief executive officer and founder of Play2Live, said the new system gives their website another major addition to their already interactive streaming platform.

“Compared to the simplistic chat communication and donation options provided by the existing platforms, it is a real step forward in terms of interaction,” Burdyko said.

Vladislav Arbatov, Play2Live’s Chief Technical Officer who trains the service’s neural network, said that the task system will be developed for the most popular video games today, and plans to have the system work for more than 300 games.

“The internal system of the neural network training will allow to add new types of events as quickly as possible,” Arbatov said. “We also plan to work closely with the user community—we will ask fans what tasks would be the most interesting for the particular game.”

If you’re interested in taking on new tasks in real time, interacting with streamers like never before or learning more about this blockchain streaming service, visit Play2Live to register for a free account.
