MAD Lions coach peacemaker accuses forZe of secretly recording practice demos without consent

ForZe is at it again.

Photo via DreamHack

Just days after forZe signed recently banned coach Alexander “zoneR” Bogatiryev to its academy CS:GO roster, another cheating accusation has come to light. 

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Earlier today, MAD Lions coach Luis “peacemaker” Tadeu accused forZe of recording practice sessions against his team and playing the matches with GOTV, the in-built client used for spectating and recording matches, turned on. To make matters worse, forZe allegedly didn’t tell peacemaker nor the rest of MAD Lions that they were recording the games. 

Peacemaker posted an image to Twitter displaying the in-built console client. In the image, MAD Lions player Rasmus “sjuush” Beck asked the opposing team to remove GOTV. Peacemaker then finds evidence of the “CKRAS GOTV” bot that is being utilized in the server. 

ForZe players Andrey “Jerry” Mekhryakov and Dmitriy “facecrack” Alekseyev both said that peacemaker and the rest of MAD Lions can be sent the demo as consolation. 

Former analyst and FaZe coach Janko “YNk” Paunovic later corroborated this statement with his own experience. He said that he’d seen forZe use this tactic before against his team. “We’d have to ask them to kick the GOTV every single time we’d practice on their server,” he said on Twitter

ForZe, who are set to participate in the upcoming Flashpoint 2, have been criticized for the employment of zoneR to the academy roster. Under his former team Hard Legion, zoneR was banned by ESL for abusing the controversial coaching bug, which led to his temporary suspension of 36 months, the longest of any coach found to have abused the bug. 

Image of George Geddes
George Geddes
George is an investigative journalist from the United Kingdom.