World Championship 2016 Day 4 Recap: Turkey vs. Argentina

The Grand Final match of the CS:GO TWC was Turkey vs. Argentina.

The 2016 World Championship for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ended today with the final best-of-three match between Turkey and Argentina.

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Image courtesy of E-frag/TWC

The first map, Train, was off to a very explosive start for Argentina on CT side. They managed to rack up an insane 11-0 lead before Turkey went off on a nine win streak of their own and tied the game at 14-14. Despite Argentina’s insanely powerful start, Turkey took the first map with a very close 16-14 score.

Overpass was also Argentina’s map. They started on T side this time and before the Turks knew what hit them, Argentina won the first half 12-3. Not too long after, Argentina won the entire map with a very dominant 16-5 score.

Image courtesy of E-frag/TWC

On the other hand, Cobblestone was Turkey’s map. Argentina managed to gain eight rounds, mostly thanks to Jonathan “JonY BoY” Muñoz, but that was all Turkey would let them get before winning the map 16-8, the match 2-1 and the entire tournament.

Congratulations to Turkey on winning the 2016 World Championship. 

What was your favorite moment from this tournament? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom
