Streamer tells suicidal woman to kill herself on stream, but doesn’t get banned

He's now playing "Suicide Note" by Kyle Spratt on stream.

Image via Twitch

Despite Australian streamer Dylan “Aus_Swag” telling a woman to kill herself during one of his streams, his partnered Twitch account has gone unbanned and he’s back to streaming.

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During the stream, Aus_Swag appears to be in a group voice call. The individuals in the call seem to be giving him advice on how to talk to someone who is believed to be suicidal. A woman in the voice call tells Aus_Swag to “just call her and be like ‘I know you are having a hard time at the moment and I gave you a number if you are really suicidal but I cannot help you, we are friends and I shouldn’t have to deal with this.’” But Aus_Swag didn’t take this advice.

There is a dial tone as Aus_Swag allegedly calls the suicidal woman on stream. After she answers the phone, Aus_Swag says, “I think you should just kill yourself, honestly.” The woman on the phone doesn’t respond while Aus_Swag and the other people on his voice call begin to laugh hysterically—so much so that Aus_Swag falls out of his chair.

Following the incident, Aus_Swag has started streaming again with no apparent repercussions. This time, his webcam is turned off and he isn’t talking on his mic. He will occasionally respond to a donation or subscription by typing in the in-game chat. According to laws in Australia, a person who “aids or abets the suicide or attempted suicide of another person” is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Update Jan. 21 8:20am CT: Streamer Aus_Swag is now banned on Twitch. The length of the ban is unknown at this time.
