All Dead Island 2 zombie types

Every zombie you can encounter in this game.

Image via Deep Silver Dambuster Studios

Dead Island 2 is the sequel to the critically-acclaimed zombie shooter game Dead Island. It is a fast-paced action survival horror game that will have you fighting off hordes of zombies to survive. The original game was so popular that it spawned two expansions in Dead Island: Riptide and Escape Dead Island, which take place around the same timeline as the original Dead Island.

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Things were looking good and Deep Silver was gearing up for Dead Island 2 back in 2014 until the project was unfortunately canceled. After a long hiatus and rebuilding the game from the ground up, Dead Island 2 was announced to be released on March 21, 2023, although not on every platform. Now that the game’s release date looms ever closer, we feel like it is a good time as any to look at one of the key features of the game.

For a series that focuses on zombies and defending yourself against them, Dead Island 2 has a lot of variety in zombie types. We will be listing out each type and how best to fight them.

Zombie types in Dead Island 2

Similar to the previous entry in the series, Dead Island 2 has a plethora of zombies and undead minions to fight off. Each zombie type presents its own challenges and you will have to use different methods of combat to defeat them. Every zombie type has its own strengths but at the same time, they also have clear weaknesses. As such, once you learn those weaknesses after defeating enough zombies of that type, you should have the upper hand going forward.

There are three major types of zombies that we know of so far.

  • Infected Zombies
  • Variant Zombies
  • Apex Zombies

Each zombie type follows a certain archetype and as you progress through the game, you will see some of the stronger zombie types. All three of these zombie types can be further divided into three sub-types of zombie, making for a grand total of nine different zombie types. To make it easier, we have listed out each zombie type and its sub-types in a comprehensive list.

Infected zombie types

Image via Deep Silver Dambuster Studios

These are the basic zombie types that you will encounter from the beginning of the game. None of them are too difficult to deal with and you should have little trouble cleaving through their ranks.


Runners are the freshest additions to the zombie horde. And by that, we mean these are the zombies with most of their limbs intact. Since their extremities are not as rotten, they can run considerably fast compared to their more rotten cousins. They are more active and aggressive, chasing you longer than the other basic zombies, so make sure you take them out quickly.

Since their biggest strength lies in their running ability, the best course of action is to go for their legs. Once they’re crippled, taking them out should not be a problem anymore.


Compared to their fresher cousins, Shamblers are more rotten and as a result, slower as well. They cannot chase you for as long as Runners can but if they do catch up with you, they end up packing quite a mean punch. They are coming apart at the seams though, so sometimes their own attacks might end up destroying their own body, thus making your job easier.

Their slow speed allows you to maneuver easily around them too, so don’t worry too much about these zombies. Slowly hack away till they’re done.


These are the most recognizable zombie type since you must have seen them in various other forms of zombie media. While Runners are faster and Shamblers are stronger, Walkers really have no discernable qualities. They’re not as strong or as fast, but their strength definitely lies in numbers.

Compared to other zombie types, you will end up encountering considerably more Walkers than the other basic zombies. Their large numbers mean they can swarm you pretty easily, leading to a quick death if you’re not careful. And they’re everywhere, so keep your guard up.

Variant zombie types

Image via Deep Silver Dambuster Studios

These zombies are definitely more powerful variations of the basic zombies, but there are only a few things to watch out for. Once you learn how to tackle these issues, you should have little trouble overcoming these challenges.

Grenadier Walker

These zombie types function like normal Walkers, only stronger and faster. Add to that, these zombies also come strapped with explosives. While you can kill them just like how you kill normal Walkers, Grenadier Walkers tend to blow up if you’re not careful, dealing massive damage.

If you happen to be surrounded by them, taking one out might result in massive explosions that will take them all out along with you. For best results, find a spot away from the explosion and blow one of them up for a sweet chain reaction that will take out everyone at once.

Inferno Crusher

These zombies are definitely scarier than all the rest that came before. When you first encounter them, you will notice that they are already on fire. Inferno Crushers set themselves on fire and charge at you. Because of this, they are almost immune to any fire-based damage you might have.

They hit hard and are faster than the basic zombies, so keeping your distance from them is key. When you secure a safe vantage point, try to put out their flames first, then taking them down should be a lot simpler. Once the flames are out, hit them with your hardest attacks to take them out.

Spiky Runner

These zombies are straight-up upgrades to the basic Runner zombies you have come across by this point. The difference here is that Spiky Runners run at you after surrounding themselves with spiky objects. They will keep running at you and their attacks deal even more damage because of the sharp objects that they cover themselves with.

What makes them even scarier is that when they chase you through other sharp obstacles, those sharp objects stick to their body and are added to their arsenal. Take them out before they get a chance to snowball through too many obstacles.

Apex zombie types

Image via Deep Silver Dambuster Studios

These are the most powerful zombie types in the game. They show up in the later stages of the game and have a variety of status effects to deal with. Their damage and tankiness are no joke either, so proceed with caution with these types.


Now we come to the heaviest hitters in the game. Crushers are slower than most of the basic zombies but if they do catch you, a single attack may prove fatal if you’re not careful. Their damage is quite possibly the strongest of all the zombie types and maintaining distance is integral to surviving their constant assault.

Crushers don’t have too many weaknesses since they are like shambling tanks. Their most powerful attacks come from their hulking arms so it is recommended to destroy them first before you decide how to dispose of them. With their most powerful weapons out of the way, take your time getting rid of these guys because they can still absorb a lot of damage.


If the Crusher is the strongest zombie type in terms of offense, the Screamer is the strongest zombie in terms of control. While they aren’t as strong as Crushers in direct combat, their screams are extremely disorienting. If you get caught unaware, the screams can disrupt your strategy entirely and knock you back, forcing you to replan your strategy.

If you thought that was bad, Screamers also function as zombie beacons. Their screams attract any zombies nearby and you will quickly end up being swarmed by the horde if you don’t know what to expect. Killing them from a ranged position is difficult, so you want to get up close but that is easier said than done. Their toughness makes them a challenge to take out as well, so be careful with them.


The final zombie in this list can possibly be the most annoying zombie type to deal with. Slobbers are walking tanks that can absorb more damage than any other zombie type. While they specialize in defense compared to the other Apex zombies, their offensive capabilities are nothing to laugh at.

At first glance, they are the most disgusting-looking zombies of the horde, filled with acidic juices that spew out of them as they move. They can also launch this acid toward you as projectile vomit if you decide to keep your distance from them. The acid is so corrosive that it can melt down flesh and bone if it hits you.

The best way to fight these tanks is in close combat. Since they won’t be prompted to use their projectile attacks in close combat, you should stick to them, but not too close because of their putrid aura. These will be the most challenging fights in the game, so perseverance is key.

Image of Anish Nair
Anish Nair
Freelance gaming writer for Dot Esports. An avid gamer of 25 years with a soft spot for RPGs and strategy games. Esports writer for 2 years and a watcher for 12 years. Aspiring author. Dad to a host of animals. Usually found trying to climb ranks in Dota 2, plundering the seas in Sea of Thieves, hunting large monsters in Monster Hunter World, or mining rare minerals in Deep Rock Galactic.