Bungie shuts down Destiny 2 crafting bug fun—but not before 10 million auto rifle kills in Trials

A weekend sure to go down in history.

A warlock in Trials of Osiris armor is posing with a Trials submachine gun on the map Javelin-4. Their armor has a partial blue glow.
Screengrab via Bungie

What was already set to be a big weekend for Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2, with the return of Igneous Hammer as an available drop, was made even bigger after one of the game’s biggest bugs in its history went viral.

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As players entered Javelin-4 on Friday, they came equipped with weapons that had been crafted with “illegal” components, each turning them into the most overpowered gear the game had ever seen.

As of Sunday night, Bungie has finally disabled a selection of Legendary and Exotic frames on crafted weapons, effectively killing the bug while they work on a proper fix. However, with no rollback planned, this weekend’s bizarre Trials of Osiris stats will remain a permanent part of Destiny 2’s history. That includes over 8.5 million kills with Ammit AR2 alone and over 10 million with auto rifles as a whole—accounting for 54 percent of all total kills, according to Trials Report.

Stats can’t easily convey the reality of how these kills were obtained. Despite Ammit AR2 being the model that the majority of players chose, the auto rifle they were bringing into Trials was equipped with unintended components of other guns such as an Aggressive Shotgun Frame, which effectively gave Ammit a potent multishot element. That particular combination was by far the most popular that took root, even as more powerful examples of the crafting bug such as grenade launchers crafted with Mulligan and a shotgun Frame surfaced.

That’s exactly why, by Monday afternoon, the top four weapon spots in Trials of Osiris were taken up by auto rifles and grenade launchers. Effectively infinite Special ammo in one weapon slot with an overclocked auto rifle in the other made for the most ‘meta’ combination that most players settled on for PvP.

The 10 million auto rifle kills and sharp divide in total kill percentages between weapons is even more glaring when compared to other Trials weekends. If we look at last week, Ammit AR2 was still the most used weapon but only had 4.3 percent of the overall kill share and 1.8 million killing blows total. Otherwise, usual staples of the top weapons like Conditional Finality and The Immortal submachine gun were also nowhere to be seen this time around, completely overshadowed by the hybrid guns players were able to create.

A second fix that is focused on replacing the illegitimate perks on crafted weapons is still yet to have an estimated launch time, but with the majority of offending perks disabled due to the first update, the sun has already effectively set on the bug’s reign of terror over PvE and PvP. Yet the weapon stats it generated will undoubtedly remain a suite of records that won’t be broken anytime soon.

Image of Alexis Walker
Alexis Walker
Alexis is a freelance journalist hailing from the UK. After a number of years competing on international esports stages, she transitioned into writing about the industry in 2021 and quickly found a home to call her own within the vibrant communities of the looter shooter genre. Now she provides coverage for games such as Destiny 2, Halo Infinite and Apex Legends.