All Druid Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4 and where to get them

These will certainly raise your Spirit.

Woman from Diablo 4's Druid class wearing blue armor and chainmail.
Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Legendary Aspects are a unique way for players to enhance their gear and skills in Diablo 4. If you’re a Druid, you may need more offensive, defensive, utility, mobility, or resource generation enhancements—this is where specific Legendary Aspects come into play.

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There are over 100 Legendary Aspects players can obtain from dungeons alone and even more so from drops.

These are all the Legendary Aspects available for Druids in Diablo 4. 

All Dungeon-based Legendary Aspects for Druids in Diablo 4

Whether you need to increase your critical strike damage or enhance your damage reduction or skills, there’s a Druidic Legendary Aspect to help.

The table below lists all the Legendary Aspects for Druids that can be obtained from dungeons, including their category, effects, location, and which gear it can be imprinted or applied to. And all the numbers correspond with the ones on the map. 

Red dots and numbers on the Sanctuary map indicating Aspect dungeons in Diablo 4.
Get the Legendary Aspects you need first—the rest can wait. Screenshot by Dot Esports via MapGenie. Remixed by Dot Esports.
Map NumberAspect NameCategoryAspect EffectsCan be applied to:Aspect Dungeon Location:
1Aspect of Cyclonic ForceDefensiveCyclone Armor will reduce physical damage, with the buff applied to all Nearby Allies.Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, and AmuletCollapsed Vault, Amber Sands, Kehjistan
2Aspect of Mending StoneDefensiveYour Earthen Bulwark’s duration is increased by six seconds. By killing an enemy with your Earth skills, you will also replenish 42 to 84 of Earthen Bulwark’s active Barrier.Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, and AmuletSealed Archives, Untamed Scarps, Dry Steppes
3Aspect of QuicksandUtilityThe damage from your Earth Skills will now Slow enemies hit by 25 to 50 percent for five seconds.Shield, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, and AmuletFeral’s Den, Moordaine Lodge, Scosglen
4Aspect of RetaliationOffensiveYour Core Skills will now deal up to 20 to 40 percent more damage based on the amount of your Fortify.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletSeaside Descent, Kotama Grasslands, Dry Steppes
5Aspect of the Calm BreezeResourceLucky Hit: Your Wind Shear has a five to 10 percent chance to restore your Spirit completely.RingsGrinning Labyrinth, Khargai Crags, Dry Steppes
6Aspect of the Changeling’s DebtResourceBy damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Werebear Skill, you’ll deal 120 to 150 percent of the Poisoning damage to the enemy and also consume the Poisoning.RingsConclave, Southern Expanse, Kehjistan
7Aspect of the Rampaging WerebeastOffensiveThe duration of your Grizzly Rage is increased by up to five seconds. While active, Critical Strikes increase your Critical Strike Damage by 10 percent.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletEndless Gates, Umir Plateau, Hawezar
8Aspect of the TempestOffensiveHurricane damage will increase by seven to 15 percent every second while it’s active.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletBlind Burrows, Fathis Wetlands, Hawezar
9Aspect of the UnsatiatedResourceAfter killing an enemy with your skill, Shred, your next Werewolf Skill will generate 20 to 30 percent more Spirit. It will also deal 20 to 30 percent more damage.RingsTormented Ruins, Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks
10Aspect of the Ursine HorrorOffensivePulverize is now an Earth Skill. After casting Pulverize, tectonic spikes will continue to deal more damage over a few seconds.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletBelfry Zakara, Rotspill Delta, Hawezar
11Ballistic AspectUtilityWhen you have Fortify, your Earth Skills gain two additional Ranks.Shield, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, and AmuletWhispering Pines, Highland Wilds, Scosglen
12Crashstone AspectOffensiveEarth Skills will now deal 30 to 40 percent more Critical Strike damage to enemies that are Crowd Controlled.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletStockades, The Emerald Stockades,  Scosglen
13Mangled AspectResourceYou’ll gain a 20 to 30 percent chance to get one Spirit when you’re struck as a Werebear.RingsImmortal Emanation, Frigid Expanse, Fractured Peaks
14Nighthowler’s AspectOffensiveBlood Howl will now increase your Critical Strike Chance by five to 10 percent. For a few seconds, it will also affect Nearby Companions and Players.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletForbidden City, Sarkova Pass, Fractured Peaks
15Overcharged AspectOffensiveLucky Hit: You’ll now have up to a 10 to 20 percent chance when dealing Lightning damage to overload the target, at least for a few seconds. This causes any direct damage you deal to your enemies to pulse additional damage to the surrounding enemies.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletMariner’s Refuge, Strand, Scosglen
16Shepherd’s AspectOffensiveCore Skills will now deal an extra six to eight percent damage for every active companion.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletBloodsoaked Crag, Untamed Scarps, Dry Steppes
17Skinwalker’s AspectDefensiveWhen using a Shapeshifting Skill, one that changes your form, you’ll get additional health. If you’re at full health, you’ll get the same amount as Fortify.Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, and AmuletFading Echo, Scouring Sands, Kehjistan
18Stormclaw’s AspectOffensiveCritical Strikes dealt with Shred will deal 20 to 30 percent of the dealt damage as Lightning damage but to one target and its surrounding enemies. Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and AmuletAnica’s Claim, Malnok, Fractured Peaks
19Stormshifter’s AspectUtilityWhile Hurricane is active, you’ll gain an additional two Ranks to your Shapeshifting Skills.Shield, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, and AmuletCrusaders’ Cathedral, Caldeum, Kehjistan
20Vigorous AspectDefensiveYou’ll gain a 10 to 15 percent damage reduction when you’re Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, and AmuletSteadfast Barracks, Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar

Even though there are 20 dungeon-based Legendary Aspects for Druids, you may find that only a few synergize well with your build. For my Druid, I love the Aspects Aspect of Mending Stone for the increased shield and Aspect of the Tempest for more destructive Hurricanes. 

Related: Best leveling Druid build in Diablo 4

One of the hardest things about the Druid class is managing your Spirit. Unfortunately, there are no dungeon-based Resource Legendary Aspects to help with this. However, you can get a few drop-based Legendary Aspects that will, and many others that can, increase your offensive, utility, and defense as a Druid.

All Drop-based Druid Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4

While you’re guaranteed to get Legendary Aspects from specific dungeons so long as you complete them, there are also Legendary Aspects you can obtain from drops, which already have Legendary Aspects applied to them.

As these Legendary Aspects aren’t guaranteed to drop, either from dungeons or Elite monsters, it’s next to impossible to predict when they’ll drop. This means they’re not ones you can farm for—although you can certainly try by spending your Murmuring Obols at the Purveyor of Curiosities. These are all the Legendary Aspects Druids can hope for when getting Legendary drops. 

Aspect NameCategoryAspect EffectCan be found on:
Aspect of Metamorphic StoneOffensiveYour skill, Boulder, is now a Core Skill and costs 60 Spirit to cast. It will deal 80 to 100 percent of its normal damage.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of Natural BalanceOffensiveCasting one of your Storm Skills grants your Earth Skills 30 to 45 percent Critical Strike Damage for four seconds. 
Casting one of your Earth Skills increases the Critical Strike Chance of Storm Skills by eight to 12 percent for four seconds.
Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of Nature’s SavageryOffensiveWerewolf Skills will function as Storm Skills. Werebear Skills will now act as Earth Skills for the Key Passive, Nature’s Fury.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of The AftershockOffensiveLandslide’s earth pillars will now strike a second time. It will deal additional six to 12 percent damage with every hit.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of the AlphaOffensiveYour Wolf Companions will become Werewolf Companions. These Werewolf Companions deal 75 to 100 percent more damage. Werewolf Companions can spread Rabies. Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of the Blurred BeastOffensiveWhen you’re dashing, Shred will look for Nearby Poisoned enemies and deal 60 to 90 percent of Poisoned damage to them. Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of the Dark HowlUtilityDebilitating Roar will now become a Werewolf Skill. It will Immobilize Poisoned enemies for up to four seconds.Shield, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, and Amulet.
Aspect of the StampedeOffensiveYou gain one extra Companion. Your companion’s skills will deal additional damage of 10 to 20 percent.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of the Trampled EarthOffensiveTrample will now summon six Landslide pillars of earth while it’s active, dealing 70 to 80 percent normal damage. It becomes Nature Magic and an Earth Skill.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Aspect of the WildrageOffensiveYour Companions will get a bonus from the Key Passive, Bestial Rampage.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Balanced AspectResourceYou’ll increase your total Spirit number by 30 to 50. You’ll also receive increased Spirit Generation by 20 percent when Grizzly Rage is active.Rings.
Dire Wolf’s AspectOffensiveGrizzly Rage will now shapeshift you into a Dire Werewolf. While in this form, you’ll gain 15 to 25 percent movement speed instead of damage Reduction. There’s also a 30 to 50 percent Spirit cost reduction bonus. Moreover, your kills will Heal you for 10 percent of your maximum health. Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Earthguard AspectDefensiveYou’ll gain a 15 to 25 percent bonus to your next Earthen Bulwark for every enemy you’ve Crowd Controlled. It stacks up to a maximum of 100 percent.Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, and Amulet.
Lightning Dancer’s AspectOffensiveLightning Storm Critical Strikes will spawn three Dancing Bolts. They’ll search for enemies in the area and deal additional Lightning damage.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Mighty Storm’s AspectOffensiveEarthen Might, the Key Passive, will now apply to your Storm Skills.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Runeworker’s Conduit AspectOffensiveCritical Strikes dealt by your Storm Skills will charge the air around you for up to two seconds. This will occasionally cause a Lightning Strike to sometimes hit an enemy in the area for extra Lightning damage. The duration of this can be extended when there are additional Critical Strikes.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Seismic-shift AspectOffensiveEarth Spike will now launch spikes in a line and has up to a 2.5-second cooldown.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Shockwave AspectOffensivePulverize will now create a shockwave that moves forward and deals 60 to 100 percent of its damage to all the targets in its path.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Stormchaser’s AspectOffensiveTornado will now seek up to three enemies.Weapons (one and two-handed), Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.
Symbiotic AspectUtilityWhen the Key Passive, Nature’s Fury, triggers a free Skill, your non-Ultimate cooldowns are reduced by four to eight seconds, but only for those of the opposite type.Shield, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, and Amulet.

With so many Legendary Aspects, each offering unique effects, there will surely be a few that will enhance your abilities and help increase your survivability against the brutal Elites from the higher World Tiers. 

Related: Best Druid builds in Diablo 4

These are all the Druid Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4 and where to find them.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.